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About Imperva company's database hardware

Database, Hardware, Firewall, ‌Azadkhani Co

About Imperva Company database hardware

Imperva is an example of an excellent leader in cyber security.

This company is responsible for protecting data within organizations and the lines of data movement.

According to the Quadrant report, Imperva's database hardware is the most suitable choice for the purpose of network and database security.

Organizations that have a lot of sensitive data need to use a firewall to protect the data tables of databases.

mperva Company
mperva Company

Types of firewalls in database hardware:

Various firewalls are provided to protect the network against various attacks. Division of database hardware firewalls is provided based on data sensitivity, data type, and the different layers available in the network. So firewalls can be divided into three groups according to the above definition:

The first group of UTM firewalls

This type of firewall is called UTM. The task of these firewalls is to protect the entire network. These firewalls protect from special layers. Because of this, they cannot resist some attacks.

The second group is Web Application Firewall

This group is called database hardware firewalls (WAF). The task of these firewalls is to protect the application layer of the network.

The third group is Database Firewall

This group is called Database Hardware Firewalls (DBF). These types of firewalls are designed and produced to protect tables in databases and data.

About database hardware and firewall:

Organizations that have a large amount of data and the data in these organizations are sensitive, the issue of preserving this data is very significant. For this type of organization, the use of firewalls of the first and second categories can provide security of information in databases to a large extent. But these types of firewalls are not specific to this area and were not made for this area.

For this reason, these firewalls cannot resist some attacks. Based on this, Imperva Company has introduced a hardware firewall named (Secure Sphere) with the aim of creating data security in the database. This hardware firewall can protect this data against all kinds of attacks.

Imperva's firewall can provide organizations with a clear picture of the data center's security status. By using this type of firewall, it is easier to protect sensitive data and users from the intrusion of outsiders.

In addition, the speed of monitoring database users will also increase.

An Imperva Company's Secure Sphere firewall can meet many security needs in organizations by closely monitoring all database contents according to the security team's standards and evaluating databases' vulnerabilities. This type of firewall can do all these processes at the same time. This feature does not affect the performance of the database, so it can be said that it has no effect on the database.

Firewall (Imperva Secure Sphere) by focusing and monitoring databases, from different systems and automation, implementing processing processes for repetitive activities and reducing the amount of resources used can quickly return the investment to follow This function ultimately provides organizations to achieve the goals of database risk management.

Check databases and sensitive data sources

As organizations grow, the volume and number of databases also increase. As a result, the firewall (Secure Sphere) uses automatic methods to locate and find sensitive information, as well as to determine the location of the database servers. Additionally, it enables accurate planning and risk reduction in organizational systems by dividing data.

Continuous supervision along with segregation of duties

Firewall (Secure Sphere) analyzes and records all database activities in very high detail. Provides detailed and complete reports on information exchanges in the database.

Imperva Company database firewall performs all these activities separately from the database. For this reason, it does not have much impact on the performance of the database.

Implementation of security policies

The organization monitors security separately based on the organization's security policies. Other databases that cannot perform this monitoring in parallel cannot respond to violations quickly.

Predictable performance and availability at scale

Through a powerful mechanism, Imperva can achieve desirable scalability in the entire organization, although errors and user access are possible.

This is against the performance of competitors who record monitoring activities based on the use of standard relational databases, but Imperva is for analyzing extensive data (Big-Data). Imperva company uses login techniques.

In the meantime, Azadkhani Co. based on the experience of providing this type of firewall to organizations with large and sensitive data volumes has helped to improve the quality of database security.

On the other hand, it is possible to coordinate with the sales team of Azadkhani Co. for the purpose of using the demo version of this hardware product.

In general, it can be said that most of the following features of the Imperva firewall are introduced:

· Database analysis

· Vulnerability analysis of databases

· Managing user access

· Monitor database activities

· Compliance audit report

· Check databases and sensitive data sources

Classification of data

database hardwareimperva company
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