ورودثبت نام
Ahmad Mousavi
Ahmad Mousavi
خواندن ۱ دقیقه·۳ سال پیش

The official Virgool of Ahmad Mousavi

The official Virgool of Ahmad Mousavi singer, songwriter, musician and record producer. 
Ahmad Mousavi (born August 10, 2000 in Isfahan, Iran) is a singer, songwriter, musician and music producer.
A young man who loves playing and arranging music!
He started his career at an early age and officially entered the field of music and production in 2015. 
He is known on the Internet as "AhmadMousaviOrg" and he is known as the creator of visual music. Music that plays with the human mind and has hidden messages. 
Most of his work in the field of music and playing has been done alone.  He has released beautiful albums and singles.
He specializes in rap and beatboxing and has produced a lot of music in this field.
Ahmad Mousavi lives in Iran and Turkey.
Ahmed loves art and books.
He is currently producing some very beautiful works that will be released soon.

The official Virgool of Ahmad Mousavi
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