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How to Use and Fully assessing the Countdown Sticker on Instagram Stories

If you are the administrator of an Internet Business, you probably have a lot of discount events or festivals!

If you use Instagram for Marketing means, you need to make use of the best business Marketing and Event-Reporting tools that are available to you.

Instagram Stories helps you share important news and information on events because users interact more with Instagram Stories than Instagram Posts.

One of the most practical tools available for Instagram Stories is the Countdown Sticker that can be used to start a countdown leading to a certain event.

For instance, if your discount event commences in 20 hours, you can let users know about it using a Countdown Sticker.

In this article, we intend on teaching how to use and fully assessing the Countdown Sticker on Instagram Stories so that you will be able to easily inform your users and Followers of events, festivals, and discounts.

The Countdown Sticker is an amazing and useful tool on Instagram that lets you notify users and Followers about events on your Instagram page.

Before the Countdown Sticker was added, Instagram was a place to Display Events, but with the addition of this sticker, Instagram Stories have become a means of Reminding Events; because this sticker allows you and users to request notifications and after the countdown ends on Instagram, you (or your Followers) will receive a notification.

By using this tool, you can create countdowns and send notifications to users for up to One Year in Advance.

Users can also share your Countdown Sticker in their own Stories so that their followers would see it too.

For instance, you may have shared the time of a discount festival and a user may want to let his / her own Followers know about the discount festival too in addition to taking benefit of the discount themselves.

However, you must note that your Follower can ONLY share the Countdown Sticker itself and they will not be able to share the full content of your Story.

When someone enables the Countdown Sticker Notification Option, a notification will be sent to you!

Using this feature, you will be able to have an estimate about how important a certain event or festival is to what number of your Followers.

Ultimately, those who have had the Remind Me option enabled on your Story will be displayed to you after the Story ends.

Of course, you must know that this notification is received via the Instagram Notifications section and users will NOT see it at the top of their phone screen!

If your countdown accounts for less than 24 hours, the Countdown Sticker will be displayed to users as 00:00:00 before your Story disappears.

In order to use this sticker, go to the Instagram Story section and create your intended content; creating content means taking a photo, adding a photo from your phone gallery, writing text, or using Stickers in Instagram Stories!

Then, you simply need to open the Stickers Section at the top of the screen and look for the Countdown Sticker.

Selecting this Sticker will provide you with several options:

Countdown Name: In this section, you will be able to select a name for your countdown.

Set End Date & Time: In this section, you must choose the date & time in which your countdown is to end.

The Color Circle: Do you see the colored circle at the top of the screen? The color of the Countdown Sticker changes as you click on it! Each time you tap on it, a different color is chosen for your Countdown Sticker and you can pick your desired color.

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