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Increase Your Instagram Visibility and Get More followers

To get seen better on Instagram, you must do things that would attract the attention of users!

When you manage to attract the attention of users, they will leave Comments or Like your Posts.

The best way to encourage users to Like your Posts or leave Comments is to challenge them!

For instance, one of the most effective approaches is holding an exciting Instagram competition that includes excellent prizes, which will undoubtedly encourage users to participate.

Of course, we do NOT mean giving away costly tips! Instead, we suggest giving away prizes that users will like.

For example, you can give away one of your business products or services as a prize. Many users will be delighted to receive one of your products or services free of charge and will undoubtedly participate in your Instagram competition.

Therefore, organizing Instagram competitions is one way of getting seen more on Instagram. We will discuss this case in detail below.

Many users don’t pay much attention to Instagram Hashtags and assume that they aren’t useful!

The pages that make use of Hashtags obtain some of their Followers and Post visits by this means.

Hashtags help users to find their intended Posts with only a single click! In fact, Hashtags help distribute Instagram content and by using them, you can display your Posts to thousands of users; it is true however that in order to get seen more on Instagram, you must make use of favorable Hashtags and thus, more users will view your Posts.

To use Hashtags, you must first find the Hashtags that are relevant to your field of business!

After gathering several pertinent Hashtags, you must pay close attention to the amount of search done for each of them and users’ engagement to each and prioritize the Hashtags you have found.

Please note that there is no limitation for using Hashtags on Instagram, but the optimum number of Hashtags for each Instagram Post is 5 to 12.

You must also note that there are only a few most favorable Hashtags for each field of business; for instance, there may only be about five most searched Hashtags in your business area, and the rest may not be so desired.

Another significant issue is that when you are using Hashtags, you are indirectly branding!

For instance, if you sell women’s underwear and want users to remember your brand’s name, all you need to do is select Hashtags related to women’s underwear; by doing so, when users see your Posts, they will also see your brand name.

Generally speaking, if you are after increasing the number of users that follow your page and want them to interact more with your page, follow the 3 steps below:

First Step) Use Relevant and Favorable Hashtags! Relevant Hashtags will help you aimfully increase the number of your Followers and apply a great deal of Marketing on Instagram for your business.

Second Step) Increasing the Number of Instagram Followers is NOT Your Only Aim, but indeed, you are seeking to increase the sales rate of your business products or services! Thus, you must encourage users to interact with and participate on your Instagram page.

Third Step) Follow the Hashtags that are Used on Your Rival Pages! Whatever field of business you may be active in, you will surely have a number of rivals – some of which act more professionally than you in some cases. One of these cases may be making use of Hashtags! So try to bear in mind the Hashtags that are being used by your rivals so that you can use the best of them in your own Posts.

By following the three steps above, you can get the best possible feedback from using favorable Hashtags and easily and aimfully increase the number of your page Followers.

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