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Support Small Business sticker on Instagram

The Instagram social network, after offering exclusive stickers with the theme of staying at home and thanking the medical staff for fighting the coronavirus, has now tried to support small and start-up businesses that are in a coronary state by providing a small business support sticker.

Businesses face broad challenges during the COVID-19 crisis, and it is important to support them to help entrepreneurs, society, and the economy.

In this regard, the social network Instagram has tried to introduce different businesses to people with new methods.

Using the new “Small Business Support” sticker, users can share small stories to support small businesses.

In this sticker, users can list the business’s Instagram page to show a preview of its posts and products to others.

Stories that use the new Instagram sticker are also shown to all user followers.

Users can easily use this sticker in their stories to support small businesses.

All you have to do is go to the story and sticker section and after selecting the Support Small Business sticker, enter the page address of that business.

This sticker is similar to the Mention sticker, but with the difference that the top three posts also show the supported page, this visual appeal further encourages users to visit the business page.

But the most important thing in using the Support Small Business sticker is that considering the display in the first story of users and that because it was launched with the aim of supporting small businesses, it is really used to support businesses and its frequent use does not bother users!

support smallSmall Business
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