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How to Add Members in Telegram Group

Add Members in Telegram Group can be a challenge for newcomers. This guide will walk you through the process with step-by-step instructions, accompanied by screenshots for better understanding. Additionally, we offer Telegram marketing consultation services. Feel free to contact us for more information.


  1. Open the Telegram app on your device.
  2. Locate the group you want to add people to.
  3. Tap on the group name or photo to open the group info page.
  4. In the group info page, tap on the "Add Members" button.
  5. Select the contacts you want to add from your phone's address book.
  6. Alternatively, you can tap on the "Invite to Group via Link" option.
  7. This will generate an invite link for your group. Share this link with the people you want to add.
  8. Once they click on the link, they will be automatically added to your group.

Forced adding" or "inviting members involuntarily" refers to a method in Telegram groups where existing members add other people without their consent. While the term "forced adding" doesn't officially exist in Telegram, it's commonly used by Iranian users.

Telegram's Member Adding Mechanism:

In Telegram, the primary way to join groups is through invitations from existing members. However, group owners can restrict this ability, preventing members from adding others.

When Does "Bulk Adding" Occur?

Adding friends or contacts who would benefit from the group doesn't fall under the "forced adding" category. This term becomes relevant when it's used as a marketing strategy on Telegram.

Telegram's Limitations on Add Members :

To prevent abuse, Telegram imposes certain restrictions on adding members. If you add people from your contact list who also have your number saved, there's no limit on the number of people you can add. However, if you add people who don't have your number saved, you'll be limited in the number of people you can add and won't be able to add more for a few days.

Add Members in in Unofficial Telegram Clients:

Unlike the official Telegram app, some unofficial clients allow you to add members from other groups or channels you're a part of, even if they're not in your contact list.

Add Members in Telegram in Channels:

Forced adding is also possible in channels, but with some limitations. The channel's administrator can only add up to 200 members this way. Therefore, "forced adding" in channels usually refers to methods of increasing the number of members in a group.

Add Bulk Members on Telegram

Add Bulk Members on Telegram is a feature or service that allows Telegram group administrators to add a large number of members to their group simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for group administrators who want to rapidly expand the size of their community or reach a wider audience.

With Add Bulk Members on Telegram administrators can save time and effort by adding multiple members at once instead of manually adding them one by one. This can be beneficial for businesses, organizations, or communities looking to quickly grow their presence on Telegram and engage with a larger audience.

However, it's important to use this feature responsibly and ensure that the added members are genuinely interested in the group's topic or purpose. Adding irrelevant or uninterested members can lead to decreased engagement and may even violate Telegram's terms of service.

Overall, Add Bulk Members on Telegram is a convenient tool for group administrators to efficiently grow their Telegram communities and connect with more users.

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