You walk on by as if I were just a shadow
And it's hard for me to say so
But I know you must go
You need some time up on the road that you are taking
So I'll give myself to waiting 'cause I know
You're my destination, you're my fortune, you're my fate
Now you're a part of me, my destiny, I'm sure
And because you're my destination
You'll be coming back one day
And when your search comes to an end one thing is clear
I'll be right here
You'll find your way, and you won't be going under
Now I'll never have to wonder
Cause in time you'll be fine
You have to do just what you're heart has you believing
And it's not like you are leaving me behind
You're my destination, you're my fortune, you're my fate
Now you're a part of me, my destiny, I'm sure
And because you're my destination
You'll be coming back one day
And when your search comes to an end one thing is clear
I'll be right here
You're my destination, you're my fortune, you're my fate
Now you're a part of me, my destiny, I'm sure
And because you're my destination
You'll be coming back one day
And when your search comes to an end one thing is clear
I'll be right here
حتی اگه میگفتی که فردا عروسی نوه ت هست، فرقی به حالم نمیکرد.
من تو رو میخوام. داستان های "خاله خرسه" رو برای من بازگو نکن که گوشم کَره.
هر کجا هم قایم بشی پیدات میکنم. شک نکن. حتی اگه نوک قله قاف باشی میام سراغت. من دوستت دارم و تو هنوز اینو درک نمیکنی. نمیتونم بدون تو زندگی کنم.
دقیقا همین چند روز پیش بود با خودم همینجوری رو شوخی میگفتم که، حالا چند روز دیگه میگه من شوهر دارم!
این کارایی هم که دیکاپریو تو این کلیپ میکنه در مقابل کارای من شبیه یه شوخیه.