ورودثبت نام
Milad mohammadamini
Milad mohammadamini
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Milad Mohammadamini

Milad Mohammadamini میلاد محمدامینی

Milad Mohammadamini
Milad Mohammadamini

Interested in the world of computers and computer graphics and digital drawing and painting, always learning

Fluent in Photoshop, familiar with blender, familiar with illustrator, familiar with motion graphics, medium aftereffect, fluent with Instagram

Designer ui and ux

Fluent in digital marketing

Fluent in content production

Introduction to XD

Introduction to zbrush

Introduction to 3dmax

familiarity with English language

Familiarity with Android UI UX programming

Familiar with Unity

Educational background

Islamic Azad Computer Engineering, the last semester of the online bachelor's degree in computer engineering

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/miladmohammadamini/

Dribbble : https://dribbble.com/miladmohamadamini

zilink :https://zil.ink/mi.mohammadamini

Milad Mohammadamini | میلاد محمدامینی Interested in Graphic design and 3D design in Blender. Always learning. See my portfolio in the following links
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