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10 Famous Raw Vegans You Should Know

There are many famous people from actors to athletes to singers who have adopted raw vegan eating as part of their lifestyle. . The benefits of a raw vegan diet include increased energy, clearer skin, weight loss, and a general feeling of wellness.Although switching from a standard omnivorous diet to a fully raw vegan one is no easy feat, these famous vegans are proof that eating an all-raw diet is possible—and will have you feeling great as a result! Raw diets consist of fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Raw veganism is not just about salad and nuts. In fact, raw foodists avoid all foods that have been heated above 42 degrees Celsius—that means no oil or fats, no cooked or roasted nuts or seeds, and nothing that has been fried or sautéed in oil. Raw diets focus on unheated fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds as the primary sources of nutrition. With so many different variations of raw vegan diets out there though, how do you know which one is right for you? Here are 10 famous raw vegans who will inspire you to join the movement.

Alicia Silverstone is an American actress, author, and former songwriter. She is best known for her roles in the films Clueless and Miss Crandon’s School for Girls. Silvering has been vegan for over 20 years and has been following a raw vegan diet for the last 10. Alicia has been vegan since her teens after she watched a documentary about farm animals and became aware of the cruelty behind the meat and dairy industries. She has been a raw vegan since 2004, after becoming interested in the health benefits of eating a completely plant-based diet. Silverstone is also a big advocate for vegan parenting and has a son who follows a vegan diet.

Woody Harrelson is an American actor, director, and activist. He became vegan at the peak of his rising fame in 1999 after reading the book “Diet for a New America” and became a raw vegan three years later. Harrelson has been very vocal about his vegan diet, even releasing an online cooking show called “The Raw Food Diet,” where he shares his favorite raw vegan recipes. Harrelson has also been a long-time advocate for environmentalism and has been vegan since he was 14 years old. He is a member of the environmental organization Sea Shepherd and has been on their board of directors since 2011. Harrelson has won several awards for his activism in the past, including the Humanitarian Award at the 2011 Hollywood Film Awards.

Miranda Kerr is an Australian supermodel and entrepreneur. She has been vegan since 2014 and follows a fully raw vegan diet. Since making the switch to a plant-based diet, Kerr has credited her clean diet with helping her maintain a youthful appearance. Kerr has been very open about her dieting struggles, namely the pressure she feels living in the public eye and the pressure she feels to stay slim. In an interview with The Times, the model makes a point to highlight that her diet is not a quick fix or a fad. She also makes it clear that her diet is not for everyone and that it takes a great deal of discipline to stick to a raw vegan diet.

Jason Mraz is an American singer-songwriter. He became vegan in 2010 following a trip to India and has been following a raw vegan diet since 2014. Since becoming vegan, Mraz has been very vocal about the health benefits of a plant-based diet. He has also been very open about his raw vegan diet and has even written a cookbook entitled “Vegan Cooking for Carnivores.”

and holistic approach to life’s journey resonates with millions of people.The popular talk show host has spoken openly about how adopting a raw vegan diet has changed her life. She is quick to point out that while she eats plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and whole grains, she also occasionally dabbles in a little vegan cheese, nuts and seeds. Although she has never eaten animal products again, she still maintains that a raw vegan diet is an important part of her life. Ellen is also an animal rights activist who is heavily involved with the organization Best Friends Animal Society.

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