Ali Asgari Lemjiri | SKY BOY
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For the first time by a 15-year-old young (Ali Asgari Lemjiri), controlling two planes at the same time, one with the hands and the other with the feet in a small hall

Ali Asgari Lemjiri
Ali Asgari Lemjiri

This was Ali Asgari Lemjiri "SKY BOY" fifth achievement in overcoming his limitations and proving his ideas. But, still, he had a long road ahead.
So he burnt the midnight oil to do the impossible – something that was far from easy for even the best in the field.
Controlling two planes at the same time, one with the hands and the other with the feet in a very small Hall. It was a tricky job, but Ali’s goal and his aspiration to achieve it turned long hours into sweet success.
Finally, after weeks of hard work, he made it.

The flight time of this new idea in his practices was 7 seconds.
His goal:
1- "Using and reinforcement two hemispheres of the brain simultaneously with one hundred percent focus of the two hemispheres".
2- Getting the difficult idea done.

Ali Asgari Lemjiri
Ali Asgari Lemjiri

A motivation for teens & teenagers who like to make the impossibles to possibles
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