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All about the color Burgundy | Hex Code, Meaning, symbolism, History

All about the color Burgundy  Hex Code, Meaning, symbolism, History
All about the color Burgundy Hex Code, Meaning, symbolism, History

Burgundy is a dark reddish-brown inspired by the color of wine from the Burgundy region of France(which is named after the ancient Germanic tribe, Burgundians). The hex code for burgundy is #800020. This deep, dark red color with violet tones is the result of a sophisticated blend of green, blue, and red. The vibrance of the red in Burgundy is toned down by the coolness of blue and calmness of green.

It is also the color of the suit worn by Will Farrell in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, hence the name of the movie and character (or the choice of suit). The deep, dark red is the result of mixing red with a dash of green and blue, resulting in brown with purple undertones.

Burgundy is elegant, timeless, and sophisticated. The color is also often used as an indication of wealth and power. In terms of color pairs, the color Burgundy works amazingly well with shades of grey. Burgundy also adds an interesting depth to brighter shades such as teal, gold, and yellow.

Information about Burgundy / #800020

In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights red, green, and blue), hex #800020 is made of 50.2% red, 0% green, and 12.5% blue. In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four colors, and used in color printing), hex #800020 is made of 0% cyan, 100% magenta, 75% yellow, and 50% black. Burgundy has a hue angle of 345 degrees, a saturation of 100%, and a lightness of 25.1%.

Color Conversion

The hexadecimal color #800020 has RGB values of R: 50.2, G: 0, B: 12.5, and CMYK values of C: 0, M: 1, Y: 0.75, K:0.5.

  • Burgundy Hex Code: #800020
  • RGB DECIMAL: 128, 0, 32
  • RGB PERCENTAGE: 0.5, 0.0, 0.1
  • HSL: 345.0, 1.0, 0.3, 1.0
  • HSV: 345.0, 1.0, 0.5
  • CMYK: 0.0, 1.0, 0.8, 0.5
  • LAB: 25.8, 48.9, 21.3
  • NUMBER: 8388640
  • LUMINANCE: 0.05

Looking for a different hue? The following colors are related to burgundy.

  • Red
  • Brown
  • Green
  • Blue

Suggested color combination with Burgundy

  • Grey
  • Gold
  • Teal
Burgundy Color
Burgundy Color
  • Burgundy Color Meaning

Since burgundy falls in the red family, amongst the warm colors, it shares the same meaning as red. This color shows signs of malice, lust, and pride.

While these are negative things, the color also has healing properties, which signify being strong.

If you dream of the color burgundy, there are several meanings that could help you in your daily life.

  • Believing in Things and Yourself

When the color burgundy appears in your dreams, it means you need to stand up for what you believe in and to have pride in yourself.

It indicates that you have a powerful and strong personality that could sometimes be intimidating, but you can overcome struggles in life as long as you believe in what you can do and have faith in yourself.

  • Time to Call Your Allies

While you are strong-willed, dreaming of burgundy means you need help from others, especially your allies. In making a stand, you need people behind you, those who believe in you and support you.

  • Emotional Turmoil

Encountering burgundy in your dreams can mean you are experiencing emotional turmoil. Take a break and give yourself peace, whether you’re dealing with a serious condition, the sudden death of a loved one, or a layoff.

  • Create Your Plan

Burgundy in your dreams can also be a reminder to start planning for your future and to think about your ambitions in life. Take a stand for yourself and be sure to analyze your actions and the drawbacks.

Burgundy Color Quality and Origin

As mentioned, burgundy is a more red, purplish color, with a balance of red and blue which gives it its purplish tone. It looks more sophisticated and serious than true red, with the hex code of #800020.

Over time, the color has become more common in the art community because it represents power and confidence.

In making the color burgundy, five colors are needed: red, brown, green, blue, and purple. In some parts of the globe, the color is also referred to as Bordeaux, in reference to another wine region producing a deep red wine color.

It was only in the late 1800s when the English language picked up the word and used ‘burgundy’ as the standard name for the color of the wine coming from the region.

At present, there are two known variants of burgundy: vivid and old burgundy. The first was coined after a dye took the name and became popular.

This type of burgundy is brighter than traditional burgundy. The old version is the standard, much darker and more purple in hue, which came into use in the mid-1920s.

In the latter part of the 1990s, burgundy became a popular color for lipstick. It was especially used by people who associated themselves with the ‘goth’ subculture.

Back then, the color became so popular that pillow covers and bed sheets were made in the same color.

Burgundy Symbolism in Different Cultures

The color burgundy’s meaning hails from an east-central French region; the color is named for the red wine sourced from Burgundy vineyards. It’s no wonder the color burgundy is associated with upscale sophistication – a bold yet refined color.

In Western cultures, the color of wine is often associated with the higher classes, wealth, and opulence. Because it’s closely related to red (a classic show-stopper) and purple (traditionally the color of royalty), it’s no wonder burgundy is a wonderful blend of both those colors’ traits. Burgundy is less flashy than red and purple, creating a milder combination of the two.

In Christianity, burgundy is often associated with certain spiritual rituals and holidays. That’s because burgundy’s dark shade is the color of red wine, which is used in Catholic Mass as a symbol of drinking the blood of Jesus Christ.

In some parts of the world, including Western Europe, the color burgundy is called “Bordeaux.” This references another wine region that produces wine of a similar deep red, almost purplish, color.

In the United States, burgundy is a staple of gothic fashion and culture, especially as a color for lipstick color. It’s earned this reputation due to its dramatic, dark, and striking look.

Spiritual Meaning of the Color in Christianity

Burgundy, the color of wine, biblically symbolizes various things, including rejoicing, the Blood of Jesus (shed on the Cross), New Wine, and the Cup of the New Covenant.

The Psychology of Burgundy

Burgundy is often associated with higher-class society. Its rich hue and red shade are interpreted as signifying sophistication. It is seen as more serious than lighter shades of red and lacks a sense of fun, and light energy that shades like pink have.

Burgundy can be viewed as a color indicating power. The combination of its psychological seriousness and powerful energy gives it a sense of high ambition. Therefore, people who are trying to display their power or wealthy class may use burgundy as a way to show these traits.

Everything about the colors
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