Turquoise takes its name from the gemstone, which comes from the French word for Turkish. It can be found among blue and green on the color wheel and is a blend of pale blue, green, and a bit of yellow. Turquoise is a calm, friendly, and cheerful color, radiating the tranquility of blue, the growth of green, and the vitality of yellow. Turquoise can also help promote clear thinking and relaxation. In addition to the gemstone, Turquoise represents the Caribbean waters as it is often used as the colloquial term for them.
Turquoise hex code: #30D5C8
Turquoise in designs has both a warming and cooling effect depending on its accompanying palette. When mixed with greys, muted yellows and pinks, Turquoise stands out as a bold, vivid accent. It can also be mixed with its opposite color, dark orange for a dynamic combination.
In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #30D5C8 is made of 18.8% red, 83.5% green, and 78.4% blue. In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four colors, and used in color printing), hex #30D5C8 is made of 77% cyan, 0% magenta, 6% yellow, and 16% black. Turquoise has a hue angle of 175.3 degrees, a saturation of 66.3%, and a lightness of 51.2%.
The hexadecimal color #30D5C8 has RGB values of R: 18.8, G: 83.5, B: 78.4 and CMYK values of C: 0.77, M: 0, Y: 0.06, K:0.16.
Suggested color combination with Turquoise
Looking for Turquoise-related hues? These would work too:
Here’s some insight into turquoise’s meaning according to color psychology.
Imagine yourself standing on the deck of a ferry boat, looking down into clear turquoise waters below. It’s easy to imagine feeling perfectly tranquil in this situation, isn’t it? That’s what turquoise does to your mindset. It provides mental clarity.
And it doesn’t have to be water. It can be just about any glimpse of this color, whether it’s a piece of jewelry or a paint swatch.
Thanks to its specific blend of hues, turquoise manages to radiate the feeling of new growth that green evokes and the bursting energy of yellow while maintaining the calm of blue.
Turquoise encourages honest, frank, clear communication, which is why it is associated with the throat chakra.
This applies to your communication with yourself (your inner monologue, how you relate to yourself, and how you articulate your wants and needs to yourself) and with others (talking with other people, communicating your emotions in conversation, and expressing your needs within relationships).
Can you imagine being in a bad mood when surrounded by clear tropical waters? Probably not.
Thanks to its yellow undertones, turquoise doesn’t carry the same melancholy association as the color blue often has.
Turquoise is a buoyant color, boosting your mood and giving you a burst of energy while keeping you calm and joyful, rather than frenetic and stressed.
Just as the color turquoise delicately balances its many undertones, having it around promotes emotional control and balance.
Free-spirited but not flighty, joyful but not over-stimulating, the fact that turquoise encompasses so many different hues in a single color manages to keep an even keel.