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All about the color Mimosa | Hex Code

Mimosa | Color Code, Color Meaning
Mimosa | Color Code, Color Meaning

Mimosa is a warm, golden yellow inspired by the popular cocktail and the flowers of the Mimosa tree. The hex code for mimosa is #FFCA4B.

Mimosa is a color that can be described as a soft yellow-orange. This may change depending on its use - warm, or cool. The color mimosa can be used to create a calm and happy feel. In nature, mimosa is seen in the flowers of Mimosa pudica, also known as sensitive plant or shame plant because it responds to touch by drooping its leaflets and exposing its bright pink underside.

Being a hopeful and radiant color, Pantone named mimosa the 2009 Color of the Year to bring hope and optimism during a time of economic uncertainty and political change. It is a reassuring and nurturing color that stimulates imagination, innovation, and enlightenment.

Mimosa works well with its complementary color, purple. It can also be used as an accent within a palette of blues or earthy greens and browns.

Looking for a different hue? The following colors are related to mimosa.

  • Gold
  • Yellow

Information about Mimosa / #FFCA4B

In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #FFCA4B is made of 100% red, 79.2% green and 29.4% blue. In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #FFCA4B is made of 0% cyan, 21% magenta, 71% yellow and 0% black. Mimosa has a hue angle of 42.3 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 64.7%.

Color conversion

The hexadecimal color #FFCA4B has RGB values of R: 100, G: 79.2, B: 29.4 and CMYK values of C: 0, M: 0.21, Y: 0.71, K:0.

Mimosa is a color that can be described as a soft yellow-orange
Mimosa is a color that can be described as a soft yellow-orange

While mimosa blooms only in the spring, its soft yellow hue can be seen throughout the year in everything from home decor to clothing. The color mimosa is a hue of yellow in the spectrum of light between plain olive and golden yellow. Mimosa has been a popular color choice since early 1900s and makes a great alternative to yellow and gold.

The color Mimosa represents the cheerful, happy person that you are. Enjoy a glass of Champagne with your friends or family wearing this bright, refreshing color and enjoy the sunny day ahead.

Mimosa is a warm shade of yellow, with a hint of orange. This color evokes positive feelings and is associated with optimism and contentment. Mimosa pairs well with colors such as purple, taupe, and brown for an earthy look.

You can use this hex code for mimosa on your website or social media accounts to make your content stand out!

It's perfect for office space, healthy kitchen, or even a baby room, with soft pale yellow tones that feel luxurious and calm.

Everything about the colors
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