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Differences between electronic signature and digital signature

Signature , what we need to confirm and prove the ownership of the documents.

In today’s societies, due to the advancement of technology, there is no need for signatures and paperwork in the past, and manual signature has replaced electronics and digital signatures.

One of the common beliefs in the community is the issue of digital signature one with electronic signature. A topic that has been involved in many people daily by expanding the dependence of societies to digital processes and the conversion of traditional business mechanisms into automatic and digital processes.

Now we intend to introduce these two types of signatures, differences, and applications of each; So accompany us until the end of the article.

One of the most valid signatures is electronic signature. When you need to approve a document, the electronic signature can help in a variety of ways, such as a symbol, image or process attached to the document.

Used to authenticate and legal goals, this signature is a quick, efficient and reliable alternative to the traditional signature method on paper. The electronic signature does not include any coding or standard.

Lack of encryption means that, unlike digital signature, this signature is not scanned; It is not unique and is the same for all documents.

The electronic signature has different types according to the degree and coefficient of security and is divided into several categories:

  • Password The password is one of the simplest and most common methods of electronic signature. In this approach, the end of the document is secretly attached and it is easy to work with it. But the disadvantage of the password approach is its low security. Because influence, identification and abuse of it does not require much effort.
  • Signature of Bit Map In fact, the same image of the handwritten signature is the signature of the BitMP. Using and working with this signature is the same as easy and easy password. To use this signature, simply register your manuscript signature on a paper and, after scanning, attach it to the end of your desired document. This signature method, like the first prototype, is not very secure and it is possible to forge and is high.
  • light pen In the light pen method, the Bitamp method no longer needs to be scanned! In this approach you will use the light pen on your signature page. Security in this method is also low due to the high possibility of counterfeiting.
  • Biometric signature Biometric signature; It is safe and safer than other methods and is done with the biometric characteristics of each individual (unique biological characteristics). These properties can include behavioral properties (such as manuscript signature) and physiological properties (such as fingerprints). But the disadvantage and heel of Achilles This method is to change the biometric characteristics of people that may occur over time, events, illnesses, and so on.

The difference between digital signature and electronic signature is encrypted. As mentioned above, digital signature is a safer and more secure signature than electronic signature and is made by encryption standards.

Digital signature, like fingerprints, can identify people’s identity in the form of an encrypted message. In fact, digital signature is a reliable tool for maintaining document security and can be easily trusted because it is validated by reputable and well -known institutions.

Since digital signature is based on authentication and confidentiality of individual information, it can be used in a variety of cases that we will discuss below.

With the help of digital signature, high -security and low -cost government documents can be transferred and displaced.

Also, with this signature, the speed of registering companies, the preparation of tax return and other government services will also increase significantly.

There are many potentials in the field of health in terms of digital signature. For example, this signature can be used to accelerate the prescription processes and receive medication or record and transfer medical documents.

Digital signature is a safe and secure tool to protect and protect the important and confidential documents of factories and protect production projects that can prevent theft or fraud in industrial projects.

The most widespread use of digital signature is in the field of financial services. With this method, banks and financial services institutions can safely and quickly move financial documents among the banks and customers. Using this method increases speed and security and, of course, reduce costs.

One of the most important applications of digital signature is the password of the currency. You can access your wallet with the help of a private key and do all the transactions you want.

The electronic signature API is the same as the application interface that developers can use to improve their applications with E-Signature functions.

There are many electronic signature tools today, and various companies and organizations, from freelance to small and medium -sized businesses, can use them to improve their business processes.

Developers who intend to add E-Signature functions to their programs must first find the right APIs to do so.

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