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کانال موسیقی هنر ایران
کانال موسیقی هنر ایران
خواندن ۱ دقیقه·۸ ماه پیش

AmirParsa Shafiee, composer and musician from Iran

AmirParsa Shafiee with the stage name Parsa Daryadel (born on August1, 2002 in Shiraz)is a composer, musician, DJ, arranger, mix master, beatboxer, hymn technical coach، actor and researcher from Iran. He was the leader of the Eagles of Iran song group and is currently the leader of the Joshen song group. He started his artistic activity in the field of music in Shiraz since he was a child by playing the Tembek instrument. In 2019, he started his career as a composer in music. In 2018, he became one of the top young Tembek musicians in Shiraz. He also performed at the 10th National Youth Music Festival and became one of the top young artists in Iran. Tembek is skilled in playing percussive instruments, such as playing tempo Darbuka, def, kakhen, hong drum, tumba, percussion, acoustic drums and keyboard instruments.
AmirParsa Shafiee
AmirParsa Shafiee

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