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امیر سعید دهقان
امیر سعید دهقان
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The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another.

I believe in energy, energy is real and it works but there is an important thing about energy

Energy can be used in a good direction and good manner or it can be used in an evil way; It is like electricity. Is electricity the divine or the devil? When it is lighting your house, it is divine. If it becomes an electric chair, it is the devil. It just depends on who is operating it at that moment.

Or when you are driving your car, is it good or bad? It can make your life or take your life any moment, isn't it?

Energy is so powerful tesla says : “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

the law of attraction says that positive thoughts and actions reap positive rewards and vice versa for negative ones. If you think positive, If you talk yourself positively and If you imagine positive happens and events and you focus on growing them, then positive things will happen to you.

And If you think negatively and focus on negative things and imagine bad happens you will attract negative and bad events.

Music is also a kind of energy music connect people to one another. music makes people excited, angry, happy or sad.

That is why music is very important for those who are in the top of the power pyramid .

They intend to have an influence on this industry

energyamir saeid dehghanامیر سعید دهقان
بنیان گذار و مدیر لیدر استودیو / INTJ-T
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