buy telegram members
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how to get fake telegram subscribers

Many businesses now use telegram to sell or promote their products. Telegram channels and groups have given you the opportunity to earn money by attracting members, spreading Telegram ads and publishing posts on various topics. For many managers of Telegram channels, increasing their membership is one of their most important goals for working in Telegram; For this reason, they try to increase the number of members of their channel by using different methods and attracting fake and real members. In this article from Salam Ads site, we intend to review the features of buying a fake member and make you more familiar with answering frequently asked questions such as how to get fake telegram subscribers.

how to get fake telegram subscribers
how to get fake telegram subscribers

Different ways to make fake members

What is fake members and how to make a fake member?

If you have experience in managing Telegram channels, you know how important the number of members of a channel is and why all Telegram channel managers try to increase the number of their channel members in different ways. However, it is good to know that the number of Telegram channel members is directly related to the amount of revenue that can be earned through these channels. The more subscribers you have, the more ads your mailing list will receive. Publishing advertising posts on Telegram channels is one of the best and easiest ways to earn money from Telegram. In addition, the more members of a store channel, the more likely it is that your customers will increase.

Another thing to know is that fake members, although not active in the Telegram channel or group, are a good way to increase the number of members; Because buying fake members from the best site to buy Telegram members requires less cost and also has a lower loss rate. In fact, fake members themselves never leave the channel, but if Telegram notices the presence of fake members in channels or groups, it deletes them. You may also be wondering what to do if we want to use fake members. Or how to make a fake member? The easiest option is to buy fake members from websites that provide telegram services. Of course, you can also create fake members yourself and use them to increase the number of channel members. In the following, we will examine one of the very easy and efficient ways to make fake members.

Use T-Data to increase fake members!

If we are looking for an answer, how do we create a fake member? You should know that creating T-Data is one of the best ways to increase the fake members of Telegram channels. Each T-data can be considered as a telegram account. The T-data is already activated by a virtual phone number, and by entering each of them, you will log in to a Telegram account. For example, if you have 5,000 T-Data accounts, that is, you have 5,000 fake followers; And this way you can subscribe to any channel or group you want. There is a lot of ready-made T-data on different sites that you can easily use; For this reason, we will first teach you how to use ready-made T-data.

Increasing Telegram members through robots Buy fake and real members How to make fake members

To do this, you must first purchase T-Data files. Create a folder called numbers on your computer desktop and copy the T-data file into it; Then run the telegram admin program. In this step, you will see the list of T-data and by clicking on each of the displayed files, you will enter a telegram account that has already been created and can be used now. By logging in to any of these accounts, you can easily become a member of different channels or groups. Doing this for all accounts manually is difficult, so we suggest you use the mouse and keyboard recorder software to do all these steps automatically.

How to create T-data?

In the previous section, we taught you how to use ready-made T-data to increase your Telegram channel membership; But if you want to create T-data yourself, you have to do other things as well. As we said, using T-data is the best answer to the question of how to make a fake member; Because you can subscribe to a large number of channels or telegram groups using T-Data accounts; So this is a great way for people to manage multiple Telegram channels or groups. To create T-Data, you must first create a folder containing a large number of new folders. New folders must be equal to all the T-data you intend to create. Then copy a portable version of Telegram inside each one. After completing this task, you must log in to each of them and create a telegram account with the help of a virtual number.

Creating a Telegram account is easy. Just open the new folders and select start massaging. After entering the virtual number, a code will be sent to you to the same virtual number. By entering the code in the specified field, the creation of the account is completed. After the account is created, close it completely and delete the portable version of Telegram; Of course, keep in mind that you should not delete the tdata and log.txt files. Once you have done this for all the new folders, copy them and move them to a folder called numbers. Finally, open the telegram admin program and easily log in to all the accounts you have created using virtual numbers. Now you can log in to various channels with TD Data accounts and subscribe to them.

Telegram Fake Members How to create fake members

What are the differences between fake members and real members?

Many telegram channel managers prefer to use fake members to increase their channel membership. Fake members are unrealistic, so they can not leave the channels they are members of; For this reason, when you insert a certain number of fake members into a channel, you can be sure that these members will remain in your channel for a long time; But real members can leave your channel whenever they want, so the amount of drop in these types of members will be more.

Also, the cost that you pay to buy or make a fake member is much less than the cost of attracting real members. It can even be said that this skill is one of the 0 Telegram marketing options. That's why it's cheaper to buy fake members for channels that only want to increase their channel membership. Another thing to keep in mind about fake members is that fake members have no effect on increasing the number of views of your posts.

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