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Nose Job Style in Iran

Nose Job Style in Iran

?Difference Between Bony Nose and Fleshy Nose

Rhinoplasty involves reshaping two noses: the bony nose and the fleshy nose (meaty nose). When it comes to distinguishing between fleshy and bony noses, the thickness of the skin is the defining factor. In contrast to meaty noses, bony noses tend to be thin or medium-thick.

In bony noses, the structure of their bones is visible due to the thin skin covering them. There is usually more cartilage in these noses, which leads to a firmer nasal tip with less chance of drooping.

As a result of their thick skin, fleshy noses cannot reveal any details about their bony structure or cartilage. Further, the cartilage on fleshy noses is thinner and weaker.

Although this general rule does not always apply, sometimes a bony nose has thick skin, and a fleshy nose has thin skin with strong cartilages.

?A Comparison of Bony and Fleshy Nose Surgeries

Rhinoplasty for a fleshy nose and a bony nose is performed differently. It is challenging to reshape the tip of the nose in meaty nose surgeries. Refining the sides of the nose and reshaping the tip of the nose can provide a good result in fleshy nose surgery.

Due to the possibility of deformity of the lower part of fleshy noses after rhinoplasty, which is due to weak cartilages and thick skin, new techniques are used to support the nasal tip and prevent it from dropping.

Changes in the structure will make a big difference in the appearance of bony noses. As opposed to meaty noses, bony noses have very little fat under their skin. Those with bony noses will experience minor swelling after surgery than those with fleshy noses.

Bony noses require the surgeon to operate with the utmost delicacy so that the outcome is not asymmetrical. If you want to have boney nose surgery or meaty nose surgery, choosing an experienced and skilled surgeon will be the most crucial step.

?Nasal Surgery Is Dependent on Your Nose Shape?

A person's nose is the most noticeable feature of their face because it is located in the middle and front. Therefore, plotting your nose shape will help you determine the type of nasal surgery that would be most appropriate for you.

Surgeons will offer patients the best cosmetic results based on the characteristics of the nasal shape for any ethnic group. Rhinoplasty in Iran and septoplasty are the two major nasal surgeries that can be performed to improve the appearance of your nose.

Surgically correcting defects and deformities of the nasal septum (space between the nostrils) are called septoplasty. Rhinoplasty involves reshaping and resizing the nose to restore its shape and size.

?Common Iranian Nose

?Natural Nose Job

The result of a natural rhinoplasty is a nose with a straight nasal bridge rather than a curved one, causing minor changes to the nose. Also, a 'natural' nose job does not have a wide angle between the nose and the upper lip.

?Natural Nose Style for Bony Noses

When a bony nose is designed in a 'natural' style, the tip and bridge are not too curved, and the nasal tip is not turned up (so-called retroussé noses).

?Natural Nose Style for Fleshy Noses

A natural style of rhinoplasty is usually preferred for fleshy noses.

?Dolly Nose Job Also Called Fancy Nose

It is common in Iran to perform 'fancy' nose jobs, commonly known as doll noses, in which the nose is shortened and upturned (also known as a 'ski jump' nose or a 'snub' nose). It creates a favorable final result especially effective in bony noses and small faces and most appealing in cute looks.

?Semi-fancy Nose Job

In a "semi-fancy nose job'', you'll find something between a "natural" and a "fancy' style. Compared to a 'fancy' nose, the bridge is a more curved miniature, and the angle between the lips and the nose is narrower.

?Nose Splints

?After Nasal Surgery, What to Expect With a Nose Splint

During or after nasal surgery, nose splints stabilize the nose with small plastic or silicone devices. Elective nose surgery is when nose splints are employed. If you have a broken nose or other condition that requires surgical intervention, you should seek treatment as soon as possible.

Placing a splint is a relatively straightforward procedure. Your doctor or nurse must explain how to care for them once you leave the hospital and how long they remain in place.

In this article, you'll find out what splints are used for, how the process works, and what to expect after getting a splint for your broken nose.

?How Does a Nose Splint Work?

?Splints for the Nose Come In Two Types:

  • An internal nose splint is worn in the nostrils and attached with a few stitches.
  • Splints on the outside of the nose are called external splints. Their position is maintained by medical tape or bandages, or they are "glued" to the skin with adhesives that dissolve over time.

?Splints Are Used for Two Very Important Reasons:

  • Stabilize the surgically repaired tissue.
  • During the healing process, it protects the nose.

?Many Types of Nasal Surgery Require the Use of a Nose Splint, Including:

  • rhinoplasty
  • septoplasty
  • sinus surgery
  • nasal fracture repair

Surgery type determines whether external or internal splints should be used. A splint may be required either externally or internally following the following surgeries.


Rhinoplasty is also known as a "nose job." Rhinoplasty is done to improve breathing or change the appearance of the nose. There are various types of rhinoplasty.

The treated nasal tissues are stabilized by taping a splint to the outside surface of the nose after rhinoplasty.

Trusted Source published a study in 2019 suggesting that external splints might not be necessary in all cases. The protection and support offered by surgical tape and Steri-Strips are similar.


You may benefit from septoplasty if your septum (the bone and cartilage wall that divides your nose into two nostrils) is crooked (or deviated) and makes breathing difficult.

By straightening the septum, septoplasty surgery improves breathing.

Septoplasty involves filling the nasal cavity with cotton or gauze and inserting an internal splint (an intranasal splint) into each nostril.

In addition to stabilizing the treated septum, the internal splints compress the septum to reduce bleeding complications.

?Nasal surgery

You may need nasal surgery if you have nasal blockages that are not caused by a deviated (crooked) septum.

Surgically removing nasal polyps from the nasal cavity is one example. As well as following nasal surgery, intranasal splints are sometimes positioned following other procedures.

?Surgical Treatment for Nasal Fractures

Approximately one-third of the nose is bone, while the remainder is cartilage. Nasal fractures, or broken noses, are cracks in the bone or cartilage.

Your doctor or yourself can realign the nose when it is broken. However, one may require surgery in order to return the nose to its original shape and size in severe cases.

?What Are the Functions of a Nose Splint?

A nose splint is needed after nasal surgery because the nose, nostrils, or septum are minor and shaped differently.

While the fragile tissue heals, splints are used to preserve the new shape and size. In the days following surgery, slings also offer some protection in case you accidentally bump your nose.

An intranasal splint is a short tube that extends from the tip of the nostril into the nasal cavity and is slightly curled.

A trapezoid-shaped external splint is used to support the nose. By placing the narrower end across the upper bridge of the nose, the wider end will cover the lower part of the nose.

Splints for the external nose are available online or in medical supply stores. However, this kind of splint is often used to protect the nose from CPAP masks used to treat obstructive sleep apnea.

It isn't necessary to purchase your nose splints after surgery. When your doctor provides you with a splint after your surgery, it should be sufficient, and you should keep it in place until you are no longer in need of it.

?What Is the Procedure for Applying a Nose Splint?

In this article, you'll discover how to insert an external nose splint and an internal nose splint.

?External Nose Splint

A nose splint is often required for rhinoplasty, one of the most common cosmetic procedures. Rhinoplasty involves bandaging the nose and placing a flexible external nose splint over it to keep it securely in place.

You may need to wrap a bandage around your head over the splint for the first couple of days. When the bandages are removed, the external splints are removed.

?Internal Nose Splint

One or more stitches are used to temporarily attach a splint to the inside of each nostril following an operation that requires one or more internal nose splints.

It will take a few days or a week for the stitches and splints to be removed at your doctor's office.

?In What Ways Will a Nose Splint Help Me?

Rhinoplasty patients are usually required to wear an external nose splint for about a week or two following the surgery.

It is usual for you to be wearing internal splints for a few days or a week following a septoplasty procedure.

According to a study published by Trusted Source in 2016, there was no difference between splints being removed after three, five, or seven days when it comes to complications or your level of comfort.

?During the First Few Days After Having a Nose Splint After Surgery, You Need to Follow Some Tips

  • It may need to be changed to a fresh dressing over the splint. Before leaving the hospital, make sure you have the proper instructions.
  • The site of surgery and external nose splints should not be touched for a few days after surgery.
  • During the first 48 hours following your nose surgery, you had better contact your doctor if your nose splint loosens or falls out during a sneeze. It is usually not a problem if this occurs after 48 hours following surgery.
  • You need to seek immediate medical attention if you experience excessive bleeding or fever after nose surgery.
  • Spraying saline solution around an internal splint will help to reduce mucus buildup. Mucus buildup can still make breathing challenging despite internal nose splints having hollow tubes for easier breathing.
  • While they are implanted, internal nose splints may make your nose look wider and uncomfortable. However, once you have them removed, you will see your original nose shape.

?What Is the Best Time for Me to See a Doctor?

An impact that fractures the nose from a sports injury, car accident, fall, or other cause can cause the bone or cartilage to break.

Seeing a doctor if you believe you broke your nose is a good idea. A broken nose may cause the following symptoms:

  • An internal or external nose ache
  • The crookedness of the nose
  • Bruising around the nose or swelling of the nose
  • Having a nosebleed
  • A bruise around the eyes

Those who struggle with breathing through their noses may also benefit from nasal surgery.

Surgery can resolve blockages in your nasal cavity caused by a deviated septum or other conditions. Your ENT specialist can examine your nasal cavity.

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