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While the Clan Wars feature that has been around for years allowed players to engage in a true Clash of Clans, there was always a disparity between clash of clans buy account players due to variations in town hall levels, upgrades, troops, etc. The Clan Capital provides a level playing field for everyone, so it feels like every member has an important contribution and they really fight together. The developers will constantly work on the clan capital, adding new districts and features, a list of which they are ready to roll out.

This forms the core of Clash of Clans. The amount of diversity that has been created in the Home Village over these years is absolutely insane. With so many types of builds and different ways to attack, the game has evolved so much that it is overwhelming for beginners. The team, however, works to ensure that newcomers have a pleasant and welcoming experience. A new town hall tier will likely only arrive every 18 months, giving veterans plenty of time to upgrade their base and new players time to catch up. In the meantime, new features will be added.

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