ورودثبت نام
دکتر هادی درویش پور
دکتر هادی درویش پور
خواندن ۵ دقیقه·۷ ماه پیش

About Dr. Hadi Darvishpour

Dr. Hadi Darvishpour Kakhki
Dr. Hadi Darvishpour Kakhki

The Reason Iran Can Turn into the Middle East Invisible Orthodontics Hub

In recent years, invisible orthodontics with clear aligners has become popular around the world,

and it has been a breakthrough orthodontic treatment. But due to different sanctions, clear aligner

manufacturers like Invisalign, Clear Cracket, etc. could never have a branch in Iran. Therefore,

this orthodontic method was barely known to Iranians. But nowadays, thanks to the efforts of many

Iranian orthodontists, including Dr. Hadi Darvishpour, clear aligners are known to Iranians more

than ever. According to him, it is even possible that in a few years Iran will become the center of

invisible orthodontics in the Middle East! In this article, we will discuss the history and future of

invisible orthodontics in Iran.

The truth is, Iranian orthodontists, like any other orthodontist around the world, were against

aligners and preferred traditional orthodontic methods with regular, Damon, ceramic, lingual, etc.

braces. However, after the global acceptance of aligners and conducting various research, it turned

out that this new method was not so bad after all. Therefore, Iranian orthodontists started to accept

this method gradually and prescribed it on a limited basis for some of their patients.

Dr. Darvishpour, who currently owns three clinics equipped with aligner manufacturing

technology in Tehran, says that at the beginning, due to the lack of clear aligner manufacturing

laboratories in Iran, orthodontists had to order them from overseas laboratories (France, Germany,

South Korea, etc.). Apparently, it was a time-consuming and costly process; nevertheless, experts

had no choice but to do it for primary patients.

Patients gradually started to show interest in this method, and the number of patients who were

willing to use the so-called invisible orthodontic method was increasing. But the bad news was

that, due to economic sanctions and currency fluctuations, ordering aligners to overseas

laboratories was not cost-effective and made the treatment extremely expensive.

At this point, some limited laboratories localized the technology to manufacture aligners to some

extent by replicating the foreign samples and started to produce aligners with an unsatisfactory

quality. The problem was that the primary local-produced aligners failed to fulfill experts’

expectations, so they were seeking a solution that could carry out treatment outcomes as expected.

In fact, clear aligners, which are becoming popular quickly worldwide, are a modern way of

adjusting crooked teeth. And now it is also known as a remote aligner treatment. The reason behind

producing and using clear aligners was to eliminate the shortcomings of traditional braces while

helping to the increasing desire to correct dental anomalies, and fortunately, it was successful in

this regard to a large extent.

In the first place, traditional braces ruined the appearance of one's smile because of the long-term

usage of metal braces and wires; consequently, many people refused to have orthodontic treatment.

Dr. Hadi Darvishpour Kakhki
Dr. Hadi Darvishpour Kakhki

The process is lengthy and results in food consumption restrictions as well as restrictions on certain

activities. Also, there is always a chance of breaking the braces, brackets, and wires. However,

invisible orthodontics with clear aligners resolved these issues.

Dr. Hadi Darvishpour was one of the very first orthodontists who knew the advantages of clear

aligners and was able to cure many dental anomalies with this method. Until a few years ago, like

other orthodontists, Dr. Darvishpour used to receive the aligners from overseas laboratories until

he decided to import the technology of manufacturing aligners to Iran and convert his clinics into

invisible orthodontic centers in Tehran. Currently, Dr. Darvishpour clinics are among the few that

provide this method in Iran.

This technology includes all forms of oral and dental scanning equipment, as well as 3D aligners

made from high-quality materials. The entire process is completed using a computer system, and

the aligners are ready for use in a short amount of time. The procedure is as follows: the client will

have a specialized visit in which the orthodontist will identify the kind and degree of the

misalignment through a physical examination followed by oral and dental x-rays. Then they scan

the client's teeth with the help of a special scanner, and the scan of the client's teeth will appear on

a screen instantly. The smart system, based on different algorithms, predicts how and with what

movements the client’s teeth will be in their ideal position. Based on this, the system starts to build

a number of paired aligners. The system calculates how many pairs of aligners the client requires

and then designs and sends them all to a 3D printer for manufacturing. The printer begins to create

pairs of aligners from resin materials based on the data obtained from the system.

Afterwards, the client starts using the first pair of aligners. These pairs of aligners are designed to

arrange the teeth to some extent. After around two weeks, the client should switch to the next pair.

The process continues until all teeth are aligned, and no one will ever notice the client is

undergoing orthodontic treatment!

Dr. Hadi Darvishpour believes this method can help many people, especially adults, to correct the

alignment of their teeth without causing aesthetic concerns or limitations. According to him,

Iranians' growing desire for this method has improved the quality of aligners manufactured in

accordance with international standards, and the process of localizing aligner manufacturing in

Iran will continue strongly and rapidly until Iran becomes the center of this method in the Middle

Dr. Hadi Darvishpour Kakhki
Dr. Hadi Darvishpour Kakhki

East in the near future. This is no longer simply a dream; it is now more attainable than ever.

About Dr. Hadi Darvishpour

Dr. Hadi Darvishpour graduated from the faculty of dentistry at Kerman University of Medical

Science (2000–2006) and obtained his specialty from Mashhad University of Medical Science in

2010. Dr. Darvishpour is a specialist in orthodontics and jaw and facial abnormalities, with over

ten years of experience in the orthodontic field. He placed first on the dental specialty board in the

previously mentioned major and was personally praised by the honorable minister of health at the

time. He now has three orthodontic clinics in Tehran, and each facility offers a wide range of

orthodontic procedures with a focus on invisible orthodontics using clear aligners.

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