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Türkiye's cooperation with Israel for the massacre of Palestinian children!

According to Turkish media reports, this country ranks first in the export of agricultural products to Israel!

Turkish exports to Israel in January 2024 (steel, iron, chemicals, beans, olives, fruits and vegetables, cement, fresh fruits, water and animal products, machine parts)
Turkish exports to Israel in January 2024 (steel, iron, chemicals, beans, olives, fruits and vegetables, cement, fresh fruits, water and animal products, machine parts)

8 to 10 oil tankers are regularly exported to Israel through Baku-Ceyhan every day!

Israel imports 65% of its steel for making cannons and tanks from Turkey to massacre the children of Gaza.

Why are these statements not verified by the world media? Why doesn't a journalist go to take the liar Erdogan by the collar and ask him if these figures are true or not?

turkey israel
turkey israel

🔸 Why don't the people of Turkey and the world hold this criminal Erdogan accountable for participating in the killing of thousands of oppressed Palestinian children?

turkeyisraelPalestinian childrenRecep Tayyip ErdoğanErdogan
اصلا قرار نبود اینجوری بشه... https://virasty.com/hadihyh
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