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How many hashtags are suitable for Instagram?

hashtags are suitable for Instagram
hashtags are suitable for Instagram

Nearly 95 million unique photos are posted on Instagram every day, making it extremely difficult for Instagram to deliver the best content to the person who wants it.

For this reason, hashtags were invented to be a correct and efficient mechanism for categorizing information on Instagram and other social networks.

When Mr. "Chris Messina", the creator of hashtags and hashtagging, was asked how this idea came to his mind, he said from his memories: "In the summer of 2007, I was talking with my friends in Silicon Valley when suddenly this The question came to my mind that with this volume of information and people's opinions on social networks and their diversity, if someone is looking for a specific topic, how should he find it?

The lack of a correct and efficient information categorization mechanism is visible, and to answer this problem, I took ideas from the chat rooms of that time.

Why did hashtags become important?

But perhaps the main reason for the success of hashtags is "time". With the popularity of social networks such as Instagram in recent years and the endless wave of information and people that poured into it, hashtagsare the most cost-effective way to identify, track and follow a specific topic in terms of time.

The next reason can be seen in the ease of working with them! Instagram search allows you to easily search any hashtag and find the most up-to-date photos, videos and trends of the day in a few seconds, and not miss a second of your favorite world.

Is there a limit to the use of hashtags?

One of the assumptions that is created in your mind is that the more hashtags there are in the content, the more people can see your content; But this thought is the most dangerous thing in the Instagram hashtag.

Because the number of hashtags allowed on Instagram is limited. By using too many hashtags, you increase the risk of having your account invalidated.

Also, if you don't use good hashtags for your Instagram content, there is a possibility that you will be banned. In the following, we give more explanations about the number of allowed hashtags on Instagram and the problems of not complying with them.

Frequently asked questions about the maximum number of hashtags on Instagram

How many hashtags should I use in Instagram circles 2022?

Posts and feed loops support up to 30 hashtags, while stories can contain up to 10 hashtags. Although it is easy to assume that you should add as many as possible, this is not necessarily the best practice.

Many experienced marketers recommend maximizing hashtags or using a certain number of keywords from different categories.

Should you use all 30 hashtags on Instagram?

While using a few hashtags is fine, using 20-30 relevant (and targeted) hashtags is even better for your overall reach and engagement rate. However, one size doesn't fit all, so you'll want to analyze the performance of your hashtags to see what's working and what's not (more on that below).

Do hashtags get more likes?

ready food. Despite all those potential excuses I just came up with, one thing is crystal clear: using hashtags does not increase engagement. If you want more likes and comments, you need to think a little more creatively.

instagramhashtags aremany hashtagsbest practiceSilicon Valley
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