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How to use hashtags on LinkedIn?

hashtags on LinkedIn
hashtags on LinkedIn

Using hashtags, our daily conversations or the coverage of national movements can be seen. The LinkedIn social media had recently disabled the use of hashtags. Finally, in 2017, it reactivated this feature by providing a new user interface. In LinkedIn hashtags, there is no news of trending or popular hashtags.

We cannot expect progress just by creating a LinkedIn account and completing its information. Before doing anything, we must define our expectations and desires. LinkedIn has 610 million contacts, and their number is increasing day by day.

LinkedIn is the largest business search engine in the world. b According to the LinkedIn report, 40% of the audience enter this network more than once a month.

Hashtags have made everything possible. LinkedIn hashtags are only used to view related posts. Social media users are well familiar with hashtags, in the following we will introduce you to LinkedIn hashtags.

What is the benefit of using LinkedIn hashtags?

Before anything else, let's get some basic information about hashtags on LinkedIn. To start, let's review a question together. Where should we use hashtags?

Do you think it is better to use it in our posts or it is better to use it in LinkedIn articles? Adding hashtags to LinkedIn updates increases the chance of being seen by followed users and users who are looking for used hashtags.

How to use LinkedIn hashtags in articles

Log in to the LinkedIn home page. Then touch Write an article. After you have entered the article you want. and it is ready to be published, touch the Publish option in the upper right corner. A pop-up window will open.

In this window you will see the section as: Tell your network what your article is about. In this section, you can enter a text to introduce your article to others. You can use relevant hashtags among the contents. This section appears at the top of the article.

It will help LinkedIn users get a proper understanding of the content. Remember that after publishing, you can no longer delete the edit. So be careful in choosing hashtags. As you have seen, the hashtag can be added to your updates and articles.

LinkedIn allows you to use hashtags in the title and summary of your profile. These hashtags have the same function as keywords without tags. Like Instagram, LinkedIn may allow users to use hashtags in their profiles.

use hashtagsSocial Mediahashtags linkedin
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