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All about acne

What is acne? And what can be done to cure it?

Acne in English: Acne vulgaris: It happens when the pores of the skin are closed with fat and bacteria. Acne is a skin disease that occurs mostly at a young age. In some people, this skin problem always stays with them.

In the United States, acne affects 60 million Americans. 20 million of them will have acne scars. The great thing about acne is that you are not alone. 85% of all people have had acne at some point in their life.

Types of acne:

Blackhead: Appears on the surface of the skin and turns black.

Whitehead: Remains under the surface of the skin.

A small inflamed pink bump.

Purulent Pimple: Known as a pimple, an inflamed and reddened pimple with an opening on it.

Cyst/nodule: Deep, painful, inflamed pimples deep in the skin.

Common symptoms of acne:

Very small blackhead

Small purulent pimples

Inflammation around the pimples

Reasons that increase the risk of acne:

worry and anxiety

Exposure to hot and cold weather

Non-standard cosmetics

Taking some drugs, including male hormones

A few simple things that prevent acne:

Do simple exercises during the week. If the cost of going to the gym is too much for you, walk around the park or even on the way home to work.

Do not touch the spots and pimples on the face at all. Because by manipulating and bursting the pimples, you increase them

Bathing with soft water reduces skin inflammation and prevents acne.

In general, every person should sleep 8 hours a day. Getting enough sleep plays a big role in mental health, skin, elimination of toxins from the body, and in regulating the body clock.

Stress is the cause of various diseases including skin inflammation and acne in the body. Avoid stressful environments as much as you can

Try to use washed clothes to go to work every day. This will make you not smell bad and increase your self-confidence, and it will also reduce skin inflammation and acne.

Thick make-up is extremely dangerous for skin health, and if it remains on the skin for a long time, it causes skin blemishes and acne formation.

Learn more: What is skin and hair specialty?

Consequences of acne

In most cases, it gradually improves after passing through adolescence and youth. But most of the time, treatment methods improve the patient's condition. It is possible that acne causes a decrease in self-confidence in people and such permanent spots remain on the face.

Causes of acne

Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by poor skin care. One of the main causes of this disease is the activity of hormones during adolescence and the closing of the sebaceous glands of the skin.

Hormones: Hormonal activities such as puberty or menstrual periods can cause acne.

Diet: High sugar diets are associated with worsening acne.

Stress: Research shows that severe acne is associated with increased levels of stress.

Genes: Some people are more prone to acne because of their genes.

Infection: Some species of bacteria are believed to cause acne.

What do people do for acne?

People who wait for acne to disappear on their own are at high risk of permanent scars. Early treatment can prevent these symptoms. Whenever abnormal symptoms appear on the skin, see a dermatologist.

A few steps to have clear, acne-free skin:

Do not pop your pimples or squeeze them with your hands.

Eat healthy foods: try to eat Brazil nuts (a type of nut that comes from the forests of South America), almonds, bell peppers, oysters, fish, beans, poultry, duck or goose, lamb, pumpkin, seeds. Eat squash, pistachios, sweet potatoes, carrots, mangoes, eggs, and leafy greens.

Steam skin cleansing and deep cleaning of your skin

Don't be patient (for acne to go away by itself)

Be proactive. Do something to make your acne go away. Start with home remedies or use over-the-counter medications. In severe cases, go to a dermatologist.

Home remedies for acne:

Medicines that cure acne often cost a lot and not everyone can afford these high costs. Home remedies usually cure acne, but it may take more time to heal. Below are some simple methods to treat and improve facial acne.

Honey and cinnamon tea: substances that contain antioxidants are useful for the body in many cases. Among other things, it can be mentioned that it is anti-cancer. Honey and cinnamon tea is rich in antioxidants, which are very useful for healing acne and pimples.

Green tea: The benefits of green tea are few and far between. Antidepressant, slimming. Anti-cancer is only part of the healing properties of green tea. Daily consumption of two glasses of green tea reduces facial inflammation and acne.

Zinc: The use of zinc has a great effect on improving the body's defense function, reducing fatigue, reducing hair loss, and improving facial acne.

Causes of acne on human skin

If the oily substance of sebum is secreted excessively and combines with dead cells, we will witness the formation of skin acne in the follicles.

Acne is one of the skin complications in youth, which is characterized by the following symptoms:




Cystic pimples

Pimples under the skin

We also have a special type of acne called adult acne or post-puberty acne that occurs after the age of 25. In most cases, the same factors that cause teenage acne also play a role in adult acne.

The four factors that have a direct role in the occurrence of acne are:

Excessive oil production

Clogged pores by sticky skin cells


Acne treatment

Acne treatment is done in different ways, and the choice of the desired method is directly related to the severity of acne. In cases where the symptoms are mild, it usually disappears with home remedies and personal acne care.

But when the acne is severe or has pain and itching and there is a possibility that it will leave a scar, it is necessary to do drug treatments for it. Dermatologists usually use a topical retinoid such as topical tretinoin or adapalene to treat acne.

The most famous drugs used to treat skin acne include the following:

Antibiotics such as topical clindamycin

Azelaic acid

Oral medications prescribed to treat acne include the following:

Antiandrogen drugs

Oral antibiotics


Read more: How to choose a good skin clinic?

When should we see a doctor for acne treatment?

As mentioned, in mild cases, it is better to use vitamins to treat acne. But in more severe cases, such as purulent pimples and papules, it takes more time for them to recover completely.

If the number of whiteheads and blackheads increases exponentially, be sure to see a doctor. In cases where you see nodules and cysts on the surface of your skin, see a doctor because popping and removing these types of pimples arbitrarily will cause pimples and scars with an annoying appearance on your skin.

last word

Acne is a chronic and inflammatory skin disease that causes spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest and upper arms. Each pimple requires different treatments.

The first and best thing you should do to treat pimples on your face and body is to visit a dermatologist. The doctor can find the root cause of pimples on your skin based on various tests and examinations and start treatment using different medicines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mention how many causes of acne on human skin?

Increasing the function of hormones during adolescence - hormonal changes during pregnancy - starting or ending the use of birth control pills - heredity - excessive and greasy makeup

When is the best time to see a dermatologist for acne treatment?

If the number of whiteheads and blackheads increases exponentially, be sure to see a doctor. In cases where you see nodules and cysts on the surface of your skin, see a doctor because popping and removing these types of pimples arbitrarily will cause pimples and scars with an annoying appearance on your skin. Inflammation


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