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The best way to treat open skin pores

For all of us, having a smooth and uniform skin is one of the criteria of beauty. Having acne on the face or pimples reduces the beauty of the face. In addition, many people face the problem of open skin pores; A problem that causes their skin to be not beautiful and attractive without makeup or with makeup. For this reason, they decide to visit the best dermatologist for definitive treatment of open skin pores. In this article, we are trying to fully investigate open skin pores and ways to treat them. Stay with us.

Treatment of open skin pores

What are open skin pores?

Skin pores are places where hair follicles and fat exit from that area. Open pores are thought to be related to sebum production, skin aging, sun damage, and hair follicle size. The current treatments that the best dermatologists use to definitively treat open pores on the face target these factors.

Facial pores are actually surface skin structures that are seen as small openings on the skin corresponding to hair openings and pilosebaceous glands. These openings may be affected by horny follicular sacs consisting of sebaceous debris that appear as open comedones.

Pores is an ill-defined term in the medical literature and is often classified in terms of arbitrary circular diameters determined through cosmetic skin analyses.

This term refers to follicular enlargement of the hair and sebaceous glands (with or without the horny effects of open comedones) that are visible to the naked eye and are most commonly seen on the face and scalp. Open skin pores are also called orange peel.

Are open pores a problem?

There are some skin problems that, although they are not a threat to health and do not indicate a specific disease, they can affect the emotional and mental health of people. The opening of skin pores is one of the skin concerns that is not the cause of the disease in itself and only creates problems for the person in terms of beauty.

Before and after the treatment of open skin pores

What is the cause of enlarged facial pores?

If external factors such as fat, dead skin, pimples and acne prevent the skin from breathing, the skin opens its pores to breathe. According to the latest research, it is believed that fat and seborrhea, loss of elasticity and consistency of the skin and the large size of the hair follicle are most related to the enlargement of the skin pores and are the main causes of the opening of the skin pores. Other factors that cause skin pores to open are:

genetic factors;


Xenobiotics (pollutants);

chronic sun damage;

chronic radiodermatitis;

Vitamin A deficiency.

It should also be said that there is a direct relationship between the amount of sebum (fat) and the size of the pores; This is especially visible in men, whose sebum output is higher than women. However, there are conflicting data on the effect of gender on pore size, as women also have very influential hormonal factors; Sebum output and pore size increase significantly during the ovulation phase of women's menstrual cycle, and this affects the activity of the sebaceous gland.

The presence of acne is also associated with enlarged facial pores, although the amount of seborrhea is not conclusive as a confounding factor. Furthermore, acne severity is not related to increased pore size.

It is well established that skin aging and chronic light damage disrupt the collagen and elastin framework, causing the skin to lose its elasticity.

It seems that the density and size of the pores are different in different ethnicities; Compared to other ethnicities, Chinese women have smaller pore size and density.

Ways to treat open skin pores

Facial pore treatments primarily focus on reducing sebum production, skin rejuvenation, removing excess hair, or reducing the size of follicles.

Evidence-based studies of open pore therapy are limited, and many of the treatments currently in use have not yet been rigorously studied. Here, we describe methods that we are sure will help reduce open skin pores.

Topical treatments for open skin pores

One of the definitive treatment methods for open facial pores is the use of skin peels. These exfoliants should be used according to the dermatologist's opinion to be used according to the level of skin problem. Peelers play a role in cleaning the skin from fats and impurities.

Topical retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A, are effective in solving the problem of skin pores. Tretinoin, isotretinoin, and tazarotene are effective in skin rejuvenation, including addressing open pores, skin wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, skin laxity, and sebum production.

Tretinoin and tazarotene 0.1% have long been used as anti-aging treatments, but recently it has been found that these drugs also work for facial pores.

In one study, 60 women who had previously sought antiaging procedures were treated with tretinoin cream 0.025% once daily and no other antiaging products or procedures were used for 90 days.

Patients improved from a baseline mean score of 3.2 in facial pores to a post-treatment mean score of 2.0 (P<0.05) on day 84.

This improvement was sustained from the 28th day of treatment and was consistent with the patient's self-perception. Side effects included dryness, pressure relief, burning and erythema.

of disturbed formulations

Chemical peels are used in skin rejuvenation and its use in shrinking facial pores has also been observed. Chemical peels work at the epidermal or dermal level to temporarily break down and regenerate healthy cells and improve the skin matrix.

The most recent topical treatments being studied for use in minimizing facial pore openings are copper chlorophyllin complex sodium salt (CHLcu) and tetrahydro-jasmonic acid (LR2412), which are derived from natural plants.

Oral treatments

The most common oral treatments for pores are anti-androgens such as combined oral contraceptives, spironolactone and cyproterone acetate, which modulate sebum production due to the presence of androgen receptors in the sebaceous glands. Forty-four white women were treated in a phase 4 study with a combined oral contraceptive containing chloramphenicol acetate–ethinyl estradiol for 6 menstrual cycles, with standardized photography taken before and after the treatment period for software analysis. has been taken After 6 treatment cycles, 9.1% (4/44) of participants had enlarged forehead and cheek pores compared to 43.2% (19/44) of the control group (P < 0.0001).

The effects of other antiandrogens on facial pores with adequate capacity have not been investigated.

Treatment of skin pores with laser, radio frequency and ultrasound devices

Various devices that can deliver thermal energy or ultrasound to the skin in a targeted manner are the newest and most powerful methods in beauty therapy.

Their mechanism of action may be due to a combination of re-inducing collagen fibers in the vicinity of pilosebaceous openings to increase skin elasticity and reduce sebum production.

Devices with established anti-aging effects have been widely reviewed and include:

800 nm diode laser with gold nanoparticles

1450-nm diode laser


Fractional radiofrequency devices

2790-nm erbium:YAG laser

nonablative 1410-nm fractionated erbium-doped fiber laser

nonablative 1440-nm fractional laser

Endolift (the newest device for treating skin problems).


All the mentioned devices are used according to the severity of the pores on the skin or the causes of these pores according to the doctor's diagnosis.

Endolift device to treat skin pores

Although to date, the most effective treatment for enlarged facial pores is ablative and invasive treatment, recovery time, scarring, and darkening of the treatment site may limit its use. In the newest methods used in facial rejuvenation treatment, the endolift device is used for skin pores. This device has been able to receive significant satisfaction from volunteers in removing facial pores in addition to rejuvenation. In this method, the recovery period is very short and this method is performed simply and without causing discomfort to the patient. Ultrasound waves with specific energy and frequency enter the deep layers of the skin in the desired position, and by creating heat, it causes stretching and lifting of the forehead skin and stimulation of collagen production.

To put it more simply, in the method of removing open skin pores with endolift, a very thin optical fiber is used, which is inserted into the superficial hypodermis; In this area, laser energy is transferred to stimulate the deep and superficial layers of the skin to tighten and contract the graft layer. This energy also stimulates the cells responsible for the formation of new skin collagen and reduces excess fat.

In the video below, Dr. Nilfrooshzadeh provides explanations about endolift:

Broadband light therapy method to remove open skin pores

The use of broad band light therapy (BBL) as a treatment method with low recovery period and high effectiveness is of great interest nowadays. Among the effects of this method, we can mention the increase in the activity of fibroblasts, the hyperplasia of fibroblasts, and the regeneration of collagen and elastin strands. Simultaneous thermal stimulation to the surrounding tissues due to absorption of light by the blood can cause healing of the area, which may be related to sebum secretion.

Treatment of open facial pores with microneedling

Microneedling is one of the new treatment methods for skin problems. This method is very effective for treating open facial pores. The tiny needles that are inserted into the skin in this method stimulate collagen production and in this way reduce open skin pores.

Treatment of facial pores according to their causes

It may be useful to pay attention to the underlying causes of this disease to choose the appropriate treatment method.

If large facial pores are mainly due to excessive sebum secretion, then sebum production should be treated with treatments such as 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)-PDT or 1450 nm diode laser. Other treatments include fractional RF microneedle, selective electrothermolysis, 800 nm diode laser with gold nanoparticles, or 810 nm diode laser using an optical fiber.

Those people whose open facial pores are mainly due to the reduction of skin laxity, should primarily be treated with lasers such as 2,790 nm yttrium scandium gallium garnet laser, 1410 nm erbium fractional fiber laser, 1440 nm non-ablative fractional laser, RF Fractional biopolar or IPL together with optical and biopolar RF devices can be treated.

If facial pores are caused by thick facial hair, hair removal methods may be helpful.

When are the results of open skin treatment visible?

According to the type of treatment used in the improvement of facial pores, there are many studies of different time periods

And, for example, in the use of fresh channel and ablative lasers, the treatment process can be seen from 2 weeks after the treatment, and this improvement process can last up to 6 months in the use of methods used with rejuvenation devices such as RF and Endolift, which is associated with the creation of new collagen fibers, can continue.

The best way to treat open skin pores

If you are also facing this problem, when you search for the definitive treatment of open skin pores on the Internet, you will definitely come across articles that mention how to fix open skin pores at home with home methods. But most of the home methods of treating open pores have no effect or their effectiveness takes so much time that it is beyond the patience of the patient. For this reason, the best way is to go to the best dermatologist to suggest the right solution for you by examining the cause of the opening of the skin pores. Treatment based on your skin type and problem can be done with medication or with methods such as laser and microneedling.


In this article, we talked completely about the skin problem of opening pores and realized that this problem is mostly caused by fat secretion, sunlight, genetic factors and environmental pollution. By referring to the best dermatologist with accurate diagnosis, solutions such as drug treatment or treatment with various types of laser or endolift are recommended.


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