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What is the definitive treatment for open pores on the face?

There are many pores on the skin of the face that help the skin to breathe. If these pores become larger, they become visible to the naked eye. These large pores are usually seen on oily and combination skins because these skins produce larger amounts of natural skin oil (sebum), which are called open pores.

Orange skin of the face or orange skin of the face is another term that is common among people. In this article, we will first discuss the photo of orange peel, then the types of open pores, and then treatment solutions such as orange peel treatment with laser.

Photo of open skin pores

You can see several photos of open pores or orange peel photos:

Photo of orange peel

Photo of orange peel

Close-up of open facial pores

Close-up of open facial pores

Photo of open facial pores

Photo of open facial pores

Types of open skin pores

Open pores are basically one of the following three forms:

1. O-shaped pores

O-shaped open skin pores

These pores are most likely to be seen in the T-zone of your face (i.e. forehead and nose). Their shape is round. If you are prone to acne or have oily skin, these types of pores will appear larger.

2. U-shaped pores

U-shaped open skin pores

Dry skin is the cause of this type of pores.

3. Y-shaped pores

Y-shaped open skin pores

As you age, the production of collagen in your skin decreases. This can make your pores look like a drop of water. They are also known as Y-shaped pores and appear mostly on the cheeks.

The cause of open skin pores

There are several reasons for creating open facial pores, which include:

⛔ High levels of oil production (sebum)

Thick hair follicles

Genetics or heredity

⛔ Decrease in collagen production in the skin, due to aging

⛔ Sun damage or excessive exposure to the sun

Enlarged pores can be seen at any age and in all ethnic groups. Certain ethnic groups may have larger pores, especially Africans and Indians. Pores often appear larger as we age.

There are conflicting data on whether men or women are more prone to enlarged pores. In women, pore size may fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, with the largest pore size occurring during ovulation.

Permanent closing of skin pores

Ways to shrink facial pores

There are many ways, such as exfoliation, to treat open pores on the face and to shrink pores, and we will introduce the most effective methods below:

1. Cream for open skin pores

Topical retinoids work by removing the top layers of the skin. Research shows that they can shrink the appearance of large pores.

However, topical retinoids can cause sensitivity to sunlight, redness, and dryness of the skin. Do not use them more than once a day.

2. Treatment of orange peel with exfoliation

Exfoliating the skin not only removes the top layer, but also removes excess pus and prevents pore clogging. Exfoliating regularly will help your skin look firmer, firmer and smoother. Therefore, exfoliation is very effective in treating open pores on the face. In addition, exfoliation also improves the elasticity of the skin and is effective in treating blemishes.

Do not exfoliate too much! Remember that daily exfoliation can stimulate sebum production in your body. It can also strip your skin of essential oils and dehydrate your skin. Weekly exfoliation is ideal for all skin types.

3. Clay for open skin pores

Using a clay mask is recommended to tighten your pores. This mask reduces inflammation and the appearance of lesions.

These masks tend to dry out sebum from the deeper layers of your skin. This results in tighter pores and firmer skin.

4- Removing facial acne

Acne can be the main cause of your open pores. Acne treatment will go a long way in reducing the appearance of enlarged pores.

Treating acne with topical antibiotics

5- Closing open skin pores with oil

Essential oils such as castor oil, cinnamon bark oil have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. These oils can improve the overall texture of the skin, tighten it, and be an effective method of treating open pores on the face.

Mixing the oil with a carrier oil is recommended for better results. If you have oily skin, do not apply this mixture on your skin for more than 10-15 minutes.

6- Alpha-hydroxy acids

Studies show that topical applications of alpha hydroxy acids reduce pore size. This will make your skin look firmer and smoother.

Alpha hydroxy acids act as exfoliators and increase collagen production in the body. This increases elasticity and tightens the skin. One of the most common alpha hydroxy acids to reduce the size of pores is glycolic acid, which is also used in chemical peels.

7- Antibiotics

If you have acne, you should treat it before you can tackle enlarged pores. A dermatologist may prescribe antibiotics to help get rid of acne.

8- Argan oil for skin pores

Argan oil is a popular herbal oil used for skin and hair care due to its many anti-aging benefits. Argan oil is extracted from argan trees in Morocco and antioxidants

It contains vitamin A and vitamin E, omega 6 fatty acids, oleic acids and linoleic acids. Argan oil is an all-natural skin treatment that helps unclog open pores, blur lines, and fight free radical damage.

Definitive treatment of open pores on the face

Definitive treatment of open pores on the face

For immediate and definitive treatment of open pores, we suggest the following solutions:

1. Chemical peels

Based on your skin type and the depth and size of the pores, the dermatologist may recommend you to use a chemical exfoliator, which is effective in closing open pores according to your skin type.

If large pores are caused by oily skin, peels with hyaluronic acid are recommended. These chemicals act as exfoliants. They speed up the exfoliation process and improve elasticity.

2. Treatment of open skin pores with microneedling

In microneedling, tiny needles are used to stimulate collagen production in the skin. Improves skin texture and tightens skin. Microneedling can be used to tighten large pores. In addition to being effective in the treatment of orange peel, this process is also very effective in removing pimples.

Microneedling, like any other outpatient procedure, has a set of side effects. These include temporary swelling, redness, and bleeding.

3. Definitive treatment of open pores on the face with laser

Orange peel treatment with laser

Some lasers help reduce the size of pores. Laser therapy rejuvenates the skin, resulting in smooth and even texture. Orange skin treatment with laser is one of the most definitive ways to close open facial pores.

Attention, consult your dermatologist before laser treatment. Your doctor will recommend it based on your skin type and medical history.

The cause of orange facial skin

Several factors are responsible for enlarged pores and orange skin, which include:


Hereditary decrease in collagen production that usually occurs in aging.

Excessive production of sebum

Sebum is the natural fat of the skin, which if produced in excess leads to open pores. This happens as a result of sun damage.

Thick hair follicles

Damaged hair follicles lead to reduced tension around the skin pores and can unclog pores.

Home remedies for orange peel

Homemade and natural solutions to close facial skin pores include:

- Aloe vera gel for open skin pores

Aloe vera gel for open skin pores

It is said that the zinc in aloe vera gel helps tighten the pores. It also helps reduce the appearance of large pores and softens the texture of your skin. Aloe vera gel cleanses the skin and helps remove oil and pus from your pores.

Egg white mask

Egg white is a mask for open skin pores. Egg white tightens the skin and helps shrink the pores. This will make your pores look smaller and less prominent. Regular use of egg white mask can help improve skin elasticity.

- baking soda

Baking soda has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This property helps maintain the pH level of the skin.

- Multani Mitty

Multani Mitti is a great way to absorb excess oil from the skin. It also removes pus and bacteria that block the pores of the skin and makes the skin firmer. This Indian plant avoids dry skin.

Prevent the skin from turning orange

The best way to close open facial pores is to prevent them in the first place. The following prevention strategies are very effective and are definitely recommended:

1. Use sunscreen

Use sunscreen

Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen will prevent your skin from dehydrating. It also prevents the production of excess sebum by keeping the skin moist. This prevents large pores from forming. If you have oily skin, use sunscreen to prevent clogging of your pores.

2. Drink plenty of water

Keeping the skin moisturized is very important to prevent it from drying out. Drink at least two liters of water every day. Dehydrated skin can lead to enlarged pores.

3. Remove makeup before going to bed

One of the main factors that clog your pores is wearing makeup for long hours. It is better to remove your makeup at night before going to bed. Clean your makeup from time to time.

4. Have a healthy diet

Avoid eating foods rich in carbohydrates and oil to prevent and close open skin pores. Studies show that a high-carb diet can lead to acne. This may have caused enlarged pores. Diets rich in vitamins and essential nutrients help maintain skin's radiance, firmness, and health. Including vitamin C, which is very useful for the skin.


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