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خانوم نویسنده✍🏻
خانوم نویسنده✍🏻
خواندن ۲ دقیقه·۲ ماه پیش


Dear Demons,👀💦

Hey there, my little gremlins! 🌪️ I’m sitting down with a cup of chamomile tea (yes, I know it’s your least favorite...sorry not sorry) to spill some honest tea about my life. 🍵

First up, let’s address the sweet girl in me. I’m 25, and I’ve had my share of adventures filled with laughter and a sprinkle of chaos. You know me—always the one organizing spontaneous road trips, complete with terrible sing-alongs to 80s hits while trying not to get lost. 🚗🎤 Remember that time we ended up at the world’s largest ball of yarn? Yeah, definitely one for the books!

Now, onto my partner, Marcus. What a character he is! Picture this: a brilliant mind wrapped in a villainous aura, like a superhero on the dark side but with a heart of gold. 🦸‍♂️💖 He’s the kind of guy who’ll roast marshmallows over a campfire while simultaneously solving a complex math problem (seriously, how can you be so smart yet so goofy?). He’s always there to rescue me from my runaway thoughts when my anxiety kicks in. His idea of “bonding” is coaxing me into a duel with our ridiculously large stuffed octopus, Captain Squiggles. 😂

I often find myself divided, dear demons. You whisper doubts and fears, claiming I'm not enough, while I see Marcus believing in me like I’m some sort of superhero. His kind words wrap around me like a warm embrace, making me feel like I can conquer whatever you throw my way. Even when he doesn’t realize it, he’s my shield against you. 🛡️

I’ll confess, though, sometimes I let your dark whispers seep in. There are days when the sweet girl disappears, and I let the chaotic side take charge. My heart races, and I feel the world closing in. It’s during these moments that Marcus turns into my knight—he’ll bring me chocolate, insist we binge-watch bad sci-fi, and remind me that even superheroes have off days. 🍫📺

To my demons, I’d say this: the more I lean on Marcus, the less power you seem to hold over me. He challenges you with his jokes and intelligence. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught him playfully teasing me out of a panic attack with his quick wit. “What’s scarier,” he’d ask, “your imaginary dragon or the possibility of my spaghetti bolognese gone wrong?” 🍝

So here’s the deal: while I enjoy my adventures as a sweet and loving girl, with all the giggles and sunshine they bring, you’re still lurking in the shadows. But with Marcus battling at my side, I feel like I can face you with a grin. Bring it on! 😄✨

Cheers to my sweet chaos and the villainous kindness of my Marcus! May our adventures continue, and may the demons stay at bay!🥂

With love and laughter,🌹🧠
The Girl Who Might Just Be the Hero 🦸‍♀️❤️

یجوریایی‌نامهخارجکیenglish learningone thousand and one confessionshave fun
یار و پاییز و این آهنگ < INTJ < π
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