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خانوم نویسنده✍🏻
خواندن ۲ دقیقه·۲ ماه پیش

"Caw, caw"

Nowhere in the world does an unnecessary appendix like here (which is either fault, which is too whore, or deliberate, which is a scam). Severe complications of disc surgery are nowhere near as common as here. Sending patients in bulk into scanning devices, which can be carcinogenic, so that the device works for twenty years in three years, nowhere near as long as here. Similar cases of the sale and installation of counterfeit and low-quality platins have not yet been seen elsewhere in the world. The capacity mafia and the Office license mafia, there's no place in the world like this. Infections in hospitals, which also ruin the outcome of good surgeries, are not here in African desert hospitals.
Student literacy is used in a system based on literacy and rationality, not in a system based on theft and the origin of God. So if the literacy factor is completely eliminated, there's no movement in the situation. The movement that's about to come in is about the aging population and the explosive increase in demand for treatment. Which means that 10 years later, his prediction will come true, but not for the reason he thinks he's warning about it.
He doesn't understand the difference between bad, worse and disaster. He sees what is bad as a disaster. In other words, the contrast of his pessimistic eyes is low. That's what makes him look like a fool with his intelligence.
In image processing, the contrast measurement goes wrong when black level is not set correctly. Black level that is, the boundary in which we determine the signal is zero. And that's the point. If Zero comes higher, if there is a contrast it will be buried under the black.
In a system that is no longer a system, and the chaos, literacy and righteousness of the individual remain isolated, and have no systematic effects. As my doctor correctly and carefully prescribes me a drug that is not external, and has no choice but to write down the equivalent of the internal garbage that a sharlatan has produced or imported, and has both low effects, and many side effects. So while he's's helping me, he's not helping me. If this doctor retires tomorrow and an ass takes his place, I'm in that position again. Because I'm under black level.
Aside from joking, Don't take the time to explain your experiences to anyone. You think those around you, because they're closer to you, deserve to know them. But they're not. If you find a stranger whose brain accepts the poison of reality, it's better to spread it like a fountain and not be attracted to it.
soundmonopolythe formula that worksmedical specialty resultstraditional medicine
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