kayson Inc
kayson Inc
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About Kayson Inc

founded in 1975 by Mr. Mohammadreza Ansari, Kayson inc is an international public-limited general contractor, providing premier management, engineering, procurement, construction, financing and investment services worldwide.

Kayson was among the first Iranian general contractors to receive quality management certificate, ISO 9001:2008. Kayson inc has also played a pioneering role in introducing advanced project delivery systems such as DB & EPC to the Iranian construction industry.

Since its inception, Kayson has endeavored to maintain a reputation for excellence in performance by providing a high quality services, based on technical competence, efficiency, cost effectiveness and adherence to contract programs.

Thanks to our timely shifts in strategy and a major restructuring plan designed to create a leaner and more flexible organization, we have been able to make tough decisions quickly, shifting resources to match opportunities, reducing and reallocating overhead and investing more in people and processes that ensure our continued success.

Today, Kayson has separated ownership from management and also has over 45,000 Shareholders.

Kayson inc Vision

To Create Value and Provide World- Class Construction Services through People and Organizational Development to Improve the Quality of Life


To Build a Better World for Present and Future Generations with Observing Values Focusing on Engineering and Construction Services, Investment and Supply Chain Capacity Development

Kayson Values

  • Respecting People, Their Values & Rights
  • Observing Professional Ethics and

Adhering to all Obligations

  • Observing Safety and Preserving

Health and Environment

  • Providing Desired Quality
  • Cherishing Creativity, Initiative and Innovation Culture
  • Promoting Continual Individual and

Organizational Developmen

  • Win-Win-Win Relationship

Core values of kayson Inc:

are based on serving the

country and people, therefore we strive to realize our dedication to these goals and values in action, and in professional relations by adhering to the following principles:

  • Creating value and national self-belief in line with promoting Kayson's brand.
  • Collaborating toward excellence and increasing welfare in our surrounding community (employees and their families, projects stakeholders, society and people).
  • Avoiding any act against public interest.
  • Providing a healthy, peaceful and secure workplace for personnel while promoting

healthyrelationships with all stakeholders.

  • Sustainable natural resources utilizing, protecting the environment, observing safety andoccupational health in our activities.
  • Observing relevant national and international laws and regulations.
  • Maintaining fairness, justice, honesty and transparency in relations.
  • Taking responsibility, guaranteeing fulfillment of job commitments, adhering to plans and schedules and improving quality and disciplines.
  • Considering interests of stakeholders and general public in a free, healthy and competitive environment.
  • Respecting intellectual properties of others.
  • Providing equal opportunities based on competency; regardless of age, gender or race.
  • Valuing teamwork and preferring organizational interests to individual’s.
  • Preserving and using tangible and intangible assets and resources of the company effectively.

The essence of all above which has to be observed is the win-win-win relationship; which means not only both parties of a business deal should consider each other’s interests but also their agreement must preserve the interests of the country, people and other parties.

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