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Sight Singing for Guitarists

  • Some Exercises for Singing and Playing

Author’s Note

Singing and playing a piece at the same time is one of the most important exercises that every serious musician, composer or singer should do. The benefits of such exercises can be enumerated as follows:

· Helping the performer to have a deeper understanding of intonation

· Increasing the ability to maintain intonation

· The ability to carefully listening

· The ability to separate sounds and focus on them

· A deeper understanding of the relationship between melody and harmony

· Increasing the ability of giving group performance and providing companionship, etc.

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Exampels of some pagess

Considering the importance of this and the lack of suitable repertoire for guitarists in this regard, I felt the void of such book in the guitar teaching repertoires, so I decided to take a step -however small- to overcome this lack. Although in the music faculty of universities, guitar students get to know the piano -as a general instrument of all music disciplines- and a few semesters of their study period are dedicated to play this instrument, but this period is not enough to achieve the necessary skills for singing and playing. And before they acquire the necessary abilities to do this matter, the semesters of general piano playing will end. So, many guitar students -and even other instruments- won’t be able to do this kind of exercises. Of course, there are students who follow this process by relying on their personal interests. Also, considering that many guitarists do not have the possibility of studying at universities, or they learn music in free educational institutions and usually don’t get familiar with piano, there is no doubt to write this book anymore. Since such books (for guitarists) are not currently available even out of Iran, I wrote the book bilingually (Persian and English) in order to be used by other enthusiasts in other parts of the world too.

How to purchase the Book

  1. Send an email to this address: Kiavash.anvari@gmail.com
  2. Send a message to this number on WhatsApp: +989023394066

sight singingguitarsing and playsolfeggio
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