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Hair Transplant Cost in Iran

If you're looking for a cost-effective destination with high-quality services, Iran is your best choice.

Hair transplant in Iran is popular due to its affordability while maintaining the highest level of quality.

Hair transplant costs in Iran are much more affordable than in many other countries, especially in Europe, Turkey, and the USA.

The high demand for hair transplant surgeries in Iran, coupled with the lower exchange rate between the Rial and Dollar, has resulted in a lower cost for all types of hair transplant surgeries, including facial hair transplants.

The other factors that cause this cost advantage are:

Lower Surgeon Fees

Generally, the overall surgeon fee in Iran is lower than in other countries. This leaves our hands open for offering competitive prices for such surgeries.

Affordable Hospital & Medical Test Expenses

We cooperate with the best hospitals and medical laboratories in Iran. This cooperation enables us to offer better service at a low cost.

Cheaper Transportation Services

All of our packages include transportation service.

Cost-Effective Accommodation Options

We provide 3-star to 5-star hotel options based on your package choice. Whether you want luxury or economical accommodation, we have various options to offer based on your budget.

The cost of a hair transplant in Iran is around $950, compared to $6,000 in the US, $6,000 in Europe, $2,000 in Turkey, and $3,500 in the UAE.

Source: Hair Transplant

Hair transplantMedical tourism companymedical tourism iranhair transplant iran
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