Arshia Hossein Zadeh
Arshia Hossein Zadeh
خواندن ۱ دقیقه·۳ سال پیش

Compare Algorithm Runtimes

MeasureIt is a tool to analyze and test the execution time of different Algorithms, allowing us to measure the execution time of different codes with great precision and choosing the code that is faster to use. This tool is very useful for software engineers.
MeasureIt tool is created by Prof.Vance Morrison who is the Compiler Architect for the .NET runtime at Microsoft, where he has been involved in the design of .NET since its inception.
The tool can be downloaded from the link below:
In this article, My friends and I made a research on five different Algorithmic Theories;


1. Arshia HosseinZadeh 2. Amirmohammad Azadi 3. Abolfazl Arshia

4. Sepehr Mirshahi 5. Arshia Ansari

1) Reverse Array

Reverse Methods
Reverse Methods

As you can see, using Reverse method implemented in Array class has the best result, in the second place using LINQ Reverse method is also a good approach, But avoid other methods mentioned in picture!!

2) Jagged array and 2 Dimensional array



In this case, using jagged array instead of multi_dimensional array is slightly more efficient!

3) Sorting Array

Sorting Methods
Sorting Methods

working with LINQ orderby method is much faster than other methods, after that we'll suggest you using Sort method implemented in Array class, MergeSort and QuickSort are also famous approaches but their results were not good enough!

4) Struct vs StructRecord _ Class vs ClassRecord


using struct record to add new instance works a bit faster than others!

5) Copy Array

Copy Array
Copy Array

working with built-in CopyTo method is faster than our code!
so remember this results, they will help you a lot in Performance aspect!

At the end, we just want to send a quick note to thank Prof.Sauleh Etemadi for introducing this great tool to us so we'll improve performance of our algorithms!


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