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محمد رحیم جمشیدی
محمد رحیم جمشیدی
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Artificial intelligence and “social existence, social experience, social consciousness”.

Article 06:

AI and “social existence, social experience, social consciousness”.

This article has been identified and presented by Mohammad Rahim Jamshidi.

Keywords: AI, Social existence, Social experience, Social consciousness, Technology, Medicine, Finance, Data processing, Algorithms, Social intervention, Human identity, Social development, Simulation, Modeling, Advanced capabilities, Organizational life


AI and Its Impact on social existence, social experience, and social consciousness

AI(AI) is a pivotal technology utilized across various industries, including medicine, finance, and more. Its applications range from identifying advanced diseases to preventing fraud and improving daily life.

AI's ability to access vast amounts of data and process information rapidly, coupled with its advanced algorithms and models, enables it to actively intervene in the social realm. It influences real-world domains, enhances social experiences through exploration and modeling, and continuously optimizes human social consciousness. As AI evolves, it not only changes the concept and performance speed of the social cycle but also accelerates the re-creation of human identity in new phases. This transformation is facilitated by AI's innovative resources and capabilities, which bring about improvements in the cycle of social existence, social experience, and social consciousness.
In general, AI can help reduce hostilities and crimes in society.

The role of AI in future developments,
The impact of AI on the cycle of social existence, social experience, and social consciousness.
With access to massive data, rapid information processing, the continuous growth of sciences, knowledge, experience, and diverse skills, and with the help of extensive data, advanced and diverse algorithms, and efficient models, AI can actively intervene in the cycle of social existence, social experience, and social consciousness.
- In social existence, artificial intelligence's decisions and actions will have an impact on real-world domains.
- In social experience, through exploration, simulation, modeling, and simulating, AI can help improve social experiences.
- In social consciousness, by using massive data processing, designing and developing algorithms, patterns, and efficient models, AI will be able to continuously optimize human social consciousness.

By using advanced algorithms and innovative resources in the field of artificial intelligence, the concept and performance speed of the cycle of "social existence, social experience, social consciousness" will also change and evolve. With the help of artificial intelligence, through massive data processing and the design and development of efficient algorithms, patterns, and models, we can achieve a more accurate and comprehensive representation of the cycle of "social existence, social experience, social consciousness" through simulation and modeling. In this way, with the presence of AI and the use of new resources and capabilities, the cycle of social existence, social experience, and social consciousness will be more widely and advanced manifested in individual, social, and organizational life. It is in these processes that AI becomes an accelerator in the re-creation of human identity in new phases, and humans will be confronted with new capabilities in their existence and in society. Furthermore, the available resources and new capabilities in the field of AI enable improvement and transformation in the cycle of social existence, social experience, and social consciousness. Thus, the cycle of social existence, social experience, and social consciousness will be more widely and advanced manifested in individual, social, and organizational life.Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Social existencerefers to the set of relationships, institutions, culture, and other factors necessary for social activities in a society. In other words, social existence refers to the stages and processes in which individuals establish relationships with each other as a community.

Social experience refers to individual experiences that result from interactions with others and society. Social experience includes both positive and negative experiences that individuals have had with others in their lives.

Social consciousness refers to the process of an individual's understanding and perception of their own and others' social status and its impact on social life. Social consciousness includes an individual's ability to understand and analyze social issues, understand their own and others' roles in society, and understand the impact of their own and others' decisions and actions on society.

Source: personal research and access to sources of scientific publications in various fields.

Thank you for the time you've provided.
Mohammad Rahim Jamshidi


Written Articles:

1-Continuity of the Cycle; the process of emergence, nurturing, and transformational pattern in existence



2- Representation of Being in the Human Mind



3- AI, in order to improve its performance and prevent undesirable consequences, must continuously interact with “effective rules and stable principles in the realm of existence”.



4- Belief in God, atheism



5- The emergence of AI and its necessities


6- AI and “social existence, social experience, social consciousness”.



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