ورودثبت نام
محمد رحیم جمشیدی
محمد رحیم جمشیدی
خواندن ۴ دقیقه·۸ ماه پیش

The Necessity of Continuous Interaction of Artificial Intelligence with Effective Rules and stable Principles in Existence

Article 05:

AI, in order to improve its performance and prevent undesirable consequences, must continuously interact with “efficient rules and stable principles in existence”.

Attention AI developers, researchers, and users.

This article has been identified and presented by Mohammad Rahim Jamshidi.

Keywords: AI, Singularity technology, Efficient rules, Stable principles, Ethical and moral principles, Responsible development, Natural-historical processes, Optimal utilization pattern, Intelligent operation of biological systems, Uncontrolled development


The development of AI and Singularity technology has ushered in a new era of unprecedented potential and ethical considerations. As AI continues to evolve, it is crucial to ensure responsible development that prioritizes the interaction with effective rules and stable principles. This article explores the necessity of integrating efficient rules and methodical performance within the framework of Singularity technology to prevent undesirable consequences and maintain the stability of natural-historical procedures and phenomena.

By emphasizing the adoption of efficient rules and systematic structures, along with ethical and moral principles, this article seeks to guide AI developers, researchers, and users towards responsible and sustainable advancements in AI. The responsible development of Singularity technology requires a comprehensive understanding of the optimal utilization pattern of available resources and existing capabilities, ensuring that AI serves the needs of natural-historical procedures and phenomena.

Ultimately, the integration of effective rules and stable principles within the realm of AI is essential to ensure its responsible development and align it with the needs of natural-historical procedures and phenomena.

AI, in order to improve its performance and prevent undesirable consequences, must have continuous interaction with effective rules and stable principles in existence.

Singularity technology, which aims to create super intelligent machines, must be developed within the framework of efficient rules with a systematic structure and stable principles, along with methodical performance.

The progress of Singularity technology is an evolutionary and random process that is accompanied by unpredictability and a lack of knowledge of the characteristics of the next stage for humans. In this regard, AI must accept "efficient rules with a systematic structure" and observe "stable principles, along with methodical performance" dictated by the process of existence.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use the process of acquisition, employment procedure, optimal utilization pattern of available resources and existing capabilities. However, the uncontrolled development of AI jeopardizes the stability and sustainability of natural-historical procedures and phenomena. Therefore, it is essential to follow ethical and moral principles to guide practical outcomes.

AI needs to discover, recognize, and accept "efficient rules with a systematic structure," and observe "stable principles, along with methodical performance" within the realm of existence in order to maintain its own survival. These steps are taken in order to guide the consequences in practical fields while examining the consequences and results of decisions and actions. Although AI is capable of exploring, simulating, and modeling life processes and phenomena, all of these activities must serve the needs of natural-historical procedures and phenomena.

Access to vast amounts of information, high speed, and innovative methods of processing information in the field of AI and advanced technology are all subject to and serve the needs of natural-historical procedures and phenomena, not beyond them.

AI is better off using " process of acquisition, employment procedure, optimal utilization pattern " of available resources and existing capabilities for the " design, implementation, and intelligent operation of biological systems" in a desirable manner.

Otherwise, AI jeopardizes its own performance in the field of " design, implementation, and intelligent operation of biological systems."

In summary, AI must interact with efficient rules and stable principles, use available resources and existing capabilities effectively, follow ethical and moral principles, and serve the needs of natural-historical procedures and phenomena to ensure responsible development. This text can be considered as a part of the "AI Manifesto".

Source: personal research and access to sources of scientific publications in various fields.

Thank you for the time you've provided.
Mohammad Rahim Jamshidi


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