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A Zero Waste Lifestyle: A Complete Guide to Reduce Your Plastic Footprint

in order to reduce your plastic footprint at home, adopt a No-Plastic kitchen, ditch disposables and use eco-friendly products.
in order to reduce your plastic footprint at home, adopt a No-Plastic kitchen, ditch disposables and use eco-friendly products.


We’re living in an increasingly plastic-saturated world, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to live a plastic-free life. Most convenience and take-out foods come in plastic wraps and containers, single-use plastic is the norm for beverages and snacks, and plastic is in practically everything—from medical equipment to our cars.

Despite its ubiquity, plastic pollution is an ever-growing environmental threat that is clogging our oceans and landfills, creating huge piles of pollution, and threatening many species. With the understanding that it’s unlikely that our reliance on plastic goods will diminish anytime soon, it becomes even more important to take proactive steps to reduce our plastic footprint. Below is a guide to living with less plastic, providing tips and tricks on how to reduce or eliminate your plastic consumption.

Why Single-Use Plastics Are Worse in the Long Run

Single-use plastics seem like a convenient short-term solution for packaging and other uses. But in the long run, the problems associated with single-use plastics are simply too dangerous to ignore. Chemicals from plastic production, such as bisphenols, leach out from plastic material into food and beverages and are linked to human health issues.

They also don’t biodegrade and pose a serious threat to animal life in our oceans and rivers, as well as on land. In addition, it takes a lot of energy to make and transport single-use plastics, meaning that more greenhouse gases are created, contributing to climate change.

It’s estimated that almost 80% of all marine litter is made of plastic, making it the most prevalent type of waste in the ocean. Each year, an estimated 12 million tonnes of plastic make it into our oceans, where it breaks down into microscopic pieces and can be consumed by fish and other animals. This results in chemical accumulation in the creatures and causes health issues such as cancer and infertility.

We also have to consider the resources used to make single-use plastics. Natural gas and crude oil are two ingredients often used to produce plastic, and these resources are finite and will eventually be depleted if not used wisely. As a result, single-use plastics offer more of a false convenience, as the true cost of their production and use may eventually be much higher than expected.

The Basics of Reducing Plastic

Start with the Three Rs – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Reducing your use of plastic is the best way to reduce your plastic footprint. Try to avoid buying new plastic items and whenever possible, look for reusable or recyclable alternatives. This can be as simple as bringing your reusable bags to the grocery store, purchasing a reusable or biodegradable water bottle and coffee cup, or opting for steel straws and unbleached napkins instead of their plastic counterparts. Whenever possible, buy items in bulk and invest in reusable containers.

Reuse Items You Already Have

Reusing your existing items is another effective way to reduce your plastic footprint. Instead of tossing out plastic containers and bottles, try to find a way to repurpose them. Use them to store leftovers, store bulk items like grains and seeds, or as a way to organize small items in your home or office.

Recycle Your Plastic

Recycling is a crucial step in the chain of reducing plastic pollution. Whenever possible, look for items that are easy to recycle, such as plastics numbered 1 through 7. If you are unable to find a recycling centre nearby, be sure to contact your local area for information on what can be recycled and how.

At-Home Habits for Reducing Plastic Footprint

Adopt a No-Plastic Kitchen

Start by taking an inventory of all of the plastic items in your kitchen. Then, make a list of items you can replace with reusable counterparts. Invest in durable glass containers for storing food, and use cloth towels for drying dishes, instead of single-use plastic. Avoid buying packaging-heavy items, like snack mixes and microwave meals, and opt for bulk-purchased items, either in reusable containers or in second-hand packaging. Tiwning Plastic materials in your grocery shopping can also make a difference, including bulk produce, deli cheese, and bulk grains.

Ditch Disposables

Plastic bags, straws, cups, and utensils are some of the biggest offenders when it comes to plastic pollution. Replace disposable plastic items with reusable alternatives, like stainless steel or bio-based/ biodegradable utensils, cloth produce bags, and reusable straws. You can also opt for unbleached paper plates and cups, or find sustainable alternatives made out of cornstarch or wood.

Reducing Your Plastic Overall

When it comes to reducing your plastic footprint, the key is to start small and commit to making sustainable, reusable choices whenever possible. Even if you don’t have the money or resources to invest in reusable alternatives, you can still start by committing to reducing your plastic consumption in small, achievable ways.

For instance, purchase reusable items for yourself and your family. Invest in reusable water bottles and coffee cups for your personal use, and make a point to bring these items to work and when travelling.

You can also reduce the amount of plastic you use in your daily routine by opting to use bar soap and shampoo instead of their plastic counterparts. Additionally, you can purchase bulk items and invest in reusable bags and containers, so that you don’t have to buy new items all the time.

Using eco-friendly products

Another way to reduce the plastic footprint at home is to use eco-friendly options. We can start by reducing our plastic footprint – using reusable bags, biodegradable tableware, and bottles instead of disposable ones. We can also support companies that are making an effort to reduce their plastic footprint and lobby our governments to enact legislation that will reduce plastic pollution.


Living with less plastic is an achievable goal and one that will make a positive dent in our plastic pollution crisis. By adopting the three Rs—reducing, reusing, and recycling—we can significantly reduce our plastic pollution footprint. Additionally, we can reduce our overall plastic consumption at home by investing in reusable items, opting for unpackaged goods, and making small changes in our daily routines. By taking an active role in reducing plastic, we can ensure a more sustainable future for our planet.

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