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Is it logically and religiously correct to support Zionism?

Is it logically and religiously correct to support Zionism?
Is it the right thing to be silent against Zionist crimes?

In this article, we intend to examine Israel, which was created based on Zionism. And to answer the question whether the behavior of Zionists can be confirmed in Christianity or not.
First, let’s learn more about the beliefs of Zionists.
– Even the best of the Gentiles must all be killed. (Soferim 15)
– All Gentile children are animals. (Yebamoth 98a)
– Gentiles (non-Jews) are not human, they are animals. (Baba mezia 114 b)
– A Jew may commit an offense but not marry a non-Jewish girl. (Gad Shad 2:2)
– Gentile girls (non-Jews) are in a state of filth and debauchery from birth. (Abodah zarah 36b)
– A Jew may have sexual relations with a child as long as the child is under nine years of age (Sanhedrin 54b).
– If a non-Jew strikes a Jew, he must be put to death (Sanhedrin 58b).

– When a Jew kills a gentile (non-Jew), there will be no death penalty (execution). (Sanhedrin 57 a)
– If you eat with a non-Jew, it is like eating with a dog. (Tospoth jebamoth 84 b)

– If a Jew finds an item that a Gentile (non-Jew) has lost, it does not need to be returned. (Baba mezia 24a)
– Gentiles (non-Jews) prefer to have sex with cows. (Abodah zarah 22a-22b)
– Jews may use lies to outwit a Gentile (non-Jew) (Baba kamma 113a).

These laws open the way for the Zionists to do any law breaking. You should note that the Zionists used the word “a Jew” instead of saying “a Zionist” in order to attract many Jews in their laws. To say that anyone who opposes the Zionists has actually opposed the Jews.
This is despite the fact that there are many Jews who are against Zionist ideas and the formation of Israel. But due to the lack of media power, their activities to inform the world have been defeated by Zionist propaganda.
To make this issue more clear for you, look at the media power of the Zionists in the figure below. Any news that they don’t want to spread globally, they keep quiet.

This immunity from the law due to the thinking that other people are nothing more than animals compared to Israel and the Zionists is now well revealed and you can see that the United Nations and high-ranking European and American politicians are unable to deal with this amount of war crimes. And sanction or at least condemn the Israeli genocide. Check out one of thousands of examples below: (Note that these words come after years of Israeli infanticide)

In an interview with Al Jazeera Arabic, the EU’s Foreign Policy Chief, Josep Borrell, was asked: ‘Is what Israel doing considered war crimes?’ He replied: ‘I’m not a lawyer; that falls within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.’ A minute later, he was asked: ‘Are the actions of Hamas on October 7th considered war crimes?’ He replied: ‘Yes.’ The interviewer responded: ‘Just now, when I asked you about Israel, you said you’re not a lawyer.

You can watch the interview in the below link:


There can only be two reasons for this.
1- That the politician himself is a Zionist.
2- He benefits from the defense and support of Zionists.
And it is the personal interests and wishes of these people that cause no action to be taken regarding the crimes of the Zionists.

The next and very important point is about the return of Christ. Christ is known as the one who will return and save the world. According to the fact that Jesus was sent after Moses and it is also mentioned in the verses of Matthew 5:17. He came to complete the Jewish religion.

In the book of the Gospel of Matthew, we can clearly see that the hypocritical Jews were the main enemies of Jesus Christ, and the most important thing is that Jesus Christ was not a Jew.
So when we accept that Jesus Christ was not Jewish. In Zionist thinking, Jesus Christ will have a much lower value than a Zionist. Or in other words, they will not accept Christ as their savior, and just as they fought against him when he first came, they will be his main enemies when he returns.

But the question that arises here is:
– Who do the Zionists accept as a savior?
From the Zionist point of view, the Jewish Messiah will be the savior of mankind. And this is exactly where the difference arises. (Please note that they use Jewish not Zionist word to bring the rest of the Jews with them but actually they mean Zionist Messiah)
Which one is the real Christ? The Jewish (Zionist) Messiah who never existed or the Jesus Christ who was once assassinated by the Jews? Certainly, the Zionist Messiah of the Jews will be enmity with Jesus Christ. Because according to the teachings of the Gospel of Matthew, Christ has expressed greatness in humility and service to people and said, I have come to serve people.
And of course, Jesus Christ said that I have come to complete the Jewish religion. As we know, the followers of Jesus Christ are called Christians and not Jews.

This speech of Christ is in contrast to the Zionists who do not value any person on the planet. In fact, this seeking superiority and allowing the Zionists to kill others without any guilt is more like a satanic law than a divine law.

In fact, we can say that the Anti-christ we have been warned about is the Zionist Messiah (which is predicted to be called Zionist Messiah).
Now, according to the mentioned, we can understand the consequences of this dangerous (Zionist) thinking. Some of these consequences are predictable and some can even be seen. For example, we review some of Israel’s actions as an expression of Zionist thinking.

– In Israel’s war with Gaza, many times they bombed hospitals and schools. The number of children killed within 12 days after the start of the Gaza war (after the Al-Aqsa storm: from October 7, 2023) reached 1030 children. While in the war between Russia and Ukraine, after 596 days of war, 554 children were killed. This barbaric and cruel attitude stems from the thought that non-Jews are even less valuable than animals.
– These beliefs can be seen even in Zionist doctors to the extent that they break their medical oath and 1000 doctors in a written letter request the bombing of hospitals from the Israeli army. This side of thinking is very dangerous. Look at the map of Palestine before the occupation by the Zionists. Over time, the smaller Palestinian state and occupied territories developed.

The goal of Zionist thinking is to dominate the whole world and not just Palestine and all the people of the world become their slaves. That is why they play a prominent role in the media and banking (for example, the Rothschilds, a banking family that was one of the founders of Israel and has Zionist thoughts) to control people’s money and minds.
According to Zionist thinking, the Jewish Messiah (who is the anti-Christ) will come soon. Therefore, it is up to us, as the friends of Jesus Christ, to inform our other brothers about the Jewish Messiah (anti-Christ) from now on, so that they choose the real Messiah over the anti-Christ, so that the army of Christ will be strengthened. And this time we know that if we do nothing, people may be influenced by the propaganda of the Jews. And Choose Barabbas instead of Christ. From now on, we must increase the helpers of the true Christ to prevent his enemies from victimizing him again.

Zionist beliefs are the exact opposite of Christian beliefs. And this means that the Zionist Messiah is the real anti-Christ. From their point of view, the anti-Christ or the Jewish Messiah is the one who kills the Arabs and enslaves some of them to the Jews (notice the Jews, not the Christians). The Anti-Christ will destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque and build Solomon’s Temple. With the knowledge we have of the real Jesus Christ. He helped poor people. He treated patients and not bombed hospitals. He did not see himself as superior to others and defined the superiority of each person in helping others more. The behavior of the Zionists is completely contrary to Christ. Be prepared because they will introduce their savior, the Zionist Messiah, with their media power.

Note: The Jesus Christ, our Great Prophet and The Savior was chosen by God. And Jesus Christ Himself said: I came to serve not to be served. So, If Israelis think they are the chosen people. Their duty is to serve the people more. Not brutally killing them and occupying their land. They brutally kill even babies.

jesus christanti christzionist messiahisrealzionism
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