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The Secret of Successful People

The Secret of Successful People
The Secret of Successful People

Planning and discipline are important secrets of successful people's life.

We have heard this sentence several times and believe that this secret can lead us to the result.

but when normal people start planning and hardworking, they are under stress and emotional pressure.

Because the reality is something else!

Why doesn't this secret work for other people?

Because they leave out part of the secret to success.

The truth is in planning we must have a recreation and free time to get Energy.

we need free time like a few hours, day, week, or more.

Free times help us to open our minds and take new ideas.

In my view, the largest time for useful working is 10 - 12 hours, not more.

Planning must be flexible and normal, not with excess.

successful peopledisciplineplanning
Think easy and live easy
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