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persian tahdig recipe picture

Tahdig is a popular Persian rice dish that is loved for its delicious flavor and crispy texture. It is a staple in Iranian cuisine and is often served as a side dish or as part of a larger meal.

To make tahdig, rice is first cooked until it is fluffy and tender. Then, a layer of sliced potatoes or lavash bread is placed at the bottom of the pot, and the rice is added on top. The pot is then heated on the stove until the potatoes or bread form a crispy crust on the bottom of the rice.

Tahdig can be made in many different ways, using a variety of ingredients. Some people use sliced onions or garlic in place of the potatoes or bread, while others add yogurt or saffron to the rice for added flavor.

Tahdig is often served with stews or meat dishes, and is a favorite among Iranians and non-Iranians alike. Its crispy texture and unique flavor make it a delicious addition to any meal.

Despite its popularity, making tahdig can be a bit tricky for those who are not familiar with the technique. It requires patience and a bit of practice to get it just right. However, with some practice and the right ingredients, anyone can make a delicious and crispy tahdig.

Overall, tahdig is a beloved dish in Persian cuisine, and is a must-try for anyone who loves flavorful and unique foods. Whether you are serving it as a side dish or as part of a larger meal, tahdig is sure to be a hit with your guests.

How to prepare the bottom of the saffron pot

All the bottoms of the pot are delicious and have their own fans, but according to people's taste, one can be chosen for cooking. One of the popular types of pot bottoms is saffron or restaurant bottoms.

The preparation method for making this bottom of the pot is as follows: first, pour some drained rice (depending on whether the bottom of the saffron pot is for several people, the amount varies).

Then add some thick brewed saffron to it and stir. Then I pour the prepared ingredients in the bottom of the pot and pour the rest of the rice on it until it boils. The most important point for cooking the bottom of the pot of rice for assembly and restaurants is to use a lot of saffron after using high-quality Iranian rice.

Another tip to make the pot golden and more beautiful is to pour some saffron in the bottom of the pot before pouring the ingredients. Saffron Chinese bottom pot with yogurt and egg The bottom of the Chinese pot or the bottom of the yogurt and egg pot is another, and in fact, it is the main assembly pot that is prepared and cooked in gatherings and parties to make the tables more beautiful and elegant.

ingredients for persian tahdig

Liquid oil: 1/3 glass

Water: 1/4 glass

Egg yolk: 2 pcs

Abstract yogurt: 1/4 glass

Thick brewed saffron: as much as needed

Salt: as much as needed

The glass and measuring cup mentioned in the sizes are the same French glass with a handle. How to prepare the bottom of the assembly pot The bottom of the pot First, we mix the brewed saffron with thick yogurt and salt well.

When the ingredients are completely smooth and uniform, we add some drained rice to it. Of course, keep in mind that due to the use of the mentioned materials for the bottom of the pot, it is better to take the rice a little more alive so that the bottom of the pot will be better.

After the ingredients are well and completely mixed together, pour some oil on the bottom of the pot and then pour the prepared ingredients on it. Another golden tip for cooking the bottom of the assembly pot is that the ingredients should be completely compressed so that the ingredients stick together well.

There are some people who, according to their taste, are not interested in using yogurt at the bottom of the pot. These people should remove yogurt from the necessary ingredients and use a whole egg instead. In contrast to people who are not interested in using yogurt, there are many people who hate the smell of eggs and want to completely remove it from the bottom of the pot.

It is possible to remove the egg from the bottom of the pot, and even if you want, you can add yogurt to it or remove yogurt from it. Among other pot pots, we can also mention the pot pot of lettuce and potato. This dish is one of the most delicious and popular dishes.


1.What is tahdig made of?

Tahdig is typically made of rice, with a crispy layer of either sliced potatoes or lavash bread at the bottom of the pot.

2. What kind of rice is used to make tahdig?

Persian rice is commonly used to make tahdig, but any long-grain rice will work.

3.How do you make tahdig crispy?

To make the tahdig crispy, the pot is heated on the stove until the potatoes or bread on the bottom form a golden-brown crust. The heat must be carefully controlled to prevent burning.

4. Can tahdig be made without a non-stick pot?

Yes, tahdig can be made in any pot with a lid, but a non-stick pot may be easier to work with to prevent sticking and burning.

5. Can tahdig be reheated?

Yes, tahdig can be reheated in the oven or on the stove, but be careful not to overcook or burn the crispy layer.

6. What can be added to tahdig for extra flavor?

Some popular additions to tahdig include sliced onions or garlic, yogurt, saffron, or turmeric.


  • Tahdig requires patience and practice to get the crispy layer just right, but don't be discouraged if it takes a few tries to perfect.
  • The amount of water used to cook the rice is important to ensure a fluffy texture and prevent the rice from becoming too dry or too mushy.
  • Be careful not to overcook the rice or the tahdig can become too soft and lose its crispy texture.
  • Tahdig can be served with a variety of stews or meat dishes, or as a standalone side dish. It is a versatile and delicious addition to any meal.

sorced by :https://mealscook.com/recipes/tahdig/

tahdigpersian tahdigtahdig recipetahdig picturesbottom pot
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