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Undergoing Closed Rhinoplasty

A number of people would like to have a nose job and have a more beautiful face, but are afraid of the necessary surgical procedure. Sometimes, this fear is the result of a lack of awareness regarding what will happen in the operating room. Having some general knowledge regarding rhinoplasty techniques allows you to overcome this fear, and make the best decision about what to do.

Earlier, most rhinoplasty surgeries were carried out using the closed method. This was until the open rhinoplasty method gradually became more popular, and is now the most common method used for rhinoplasty. The desire to have a rhinoplasty treatment with a minimum recovery period, and smallest possible incision on the nose has made the closed method of nose surgery popular again. The practice of endoscopic closed rhinoplasty, which eliminates the limitations of the closed method compared to the open method, and provides greater nobility and vision for the plastic and cosmetic surgeon, is the latest achievement in terms of closed rhinoplasty.

Who is considered to be a suitable candidate for having a closed rhinoplasty treatment?

In a closed rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon's amount of vision is limited, so patients who need minor changes in their nose are suitable candidates for this procedure. Patients who have the following objectives are ideal for undergoing a closed rhinoplasty surgery:

· They are satisfied with the general appearance of the tip of their nose, and wish to have only a small change in it.

· Patients who have respiratory problems, and their condition will be resolved with a slight change.

· Those who need to have small changes made to the side walls of the nose, and the curvature on it.

· Those who generally have uncomplicated deformities, nasal tip symmetry, proportionate & symmetrical nasal bridge, and no history of severe nasal trauma.

Performing a revision rhinoplasty is NOT possible by using the closed method. This is due to the fact that the surgeon must be able to apply the changes again with high accuracy, in addition to being able to fully observe the changes that have already been made in the initial surgery.

Also, individuals who suffer from changes in the shape of the nose due to puberty should undergo a rhinoplasty treatment for cosmetic purposes only after they are 18. However, having a closed rhinoplasty treatment for therapeutic purposes is possible at any age.

The Relationship Between the Type of Nose, and the Possibility of Performing Closed Rhinoplasty

Noses can be can categorized as bony or fleshy noses based on the general structure and type of skin and cartilage tissue of the nose. In terms of the appearance of their tip, noses can be referred to as bulbous, boxy, and sharp. Read along as we discuss the possibility of having a closed rhinoplasty treatment in each case:

Bony Nose

In this type, the skin of the nose is thin, and the bone tissue is strong. A slight hump is often visible in the nasal septum of people with this type of nose. This curved appearance in the nose is one of the main reasons why such individuals desire to undergo surgery.

A bony nose has the most ideal features required for closed rhinoplasty. This is due to the fact that such patients usually want to achieve small changes in the structure of their nose. This is easily possible by using this method.

Fleshy Nose

This type of nose demands undergoing one of the most difficult rhinoplasty surgeries. The reason is that the skin on this type of nose is thicker, and there is more adipose tissue & less cartilage than other types of nose. As a result, having a closed rhinoplasty treatment is not recommended for patients with fleshy noses.

Correcting the appearance of different types of nose in terms of the tip of the nose is possible through performing a closed rhinoplasty surgery. The procedure involves removing part of the cartilage of the lower third of the nose, and suturing the remaining cartilage tissue together in order to reshape the nose and make its tip slenderer. Changes can be made in the lower part of the nose and its tip by performing a bulbous nose job, a closed boxy nose surgery, and a closed sharp rhinoplasty.

What is an Endoscopic Rhinoplasty Treatment?

Endoscopic rhinoplasty is a closed nasal surgery. Although practicing closed nose surgery requires making fewer incisions on the nose than an open nasal surgery, is performed faster, and has a shorter recovery period, but the surgeon's control over the internal structure of the nose is less. He/she has a smaller field of vision and control over the internal structure of the nose. Performing a closed endoscopic rhinoplasty has become a popular method of treatment these days, which aims to resolve the issue of having less control. In this method, the surgeon can clearly observe the interior of the patient’s nose with the help of an endoscope. In the functional applications of closed endoscopic rhinoplasty, the surgeon can observe and resolve functional and respiratory issues very well. One of the most important applications of this approach is sinus removal. This is why this method is widely known as an endoscopic sinus surgery.

This surgery is carried out while the patient is under general anesthesia.

The surgeon utilizes an endoscope, which is a thin tube with a delicate camera and a light attached to its end, to carefully examine the sinus tissue in order to rule out sinusitis, nasal polyps, or other respiratory conditions.

The fact is that the use of an endoscope allows the surgeon to carefully observe the interior details of the patient’s nose and perform the surgery, despite his/her limited field of vision. This feat is possible thanks to the endoscope, which can show specific details such as the location of bleeding and swelling of the nasal tissue.

Important Applications of Closed Endoscopic Rhinoplasty

In addition to correcting the observable defects of the nose, endoscopic rhinoplasty helps to resolve the functional issues of the nose. If you have any of the conditions listed below, we advise you to visit a doctor, and undergo this surgery after his/her approval:

· Nasal obstruction

· Sinus infections

· Nasal polyps

· Deviated nasal septum

· Loss of/weak sense of smell

The Stages of Having a Closed Rhinoplasty in Iran

1. Before Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Treatment in Iran

According to statistics, 15 out of every 100 rhinoplasty surgeries carried out in the world have NOT yielded satisfactory results. Apart from the negative psychological effects of seeing the outcome of a failed surgery, the patient must wait at least a year before they can undergo a secondary revision surgery. Further still, there is no guarantee that reconstructive surgery can make up for the damage. So in order to be sure of achieving expected result, we must take certain measures in order to increase the success rate of having a closed rhinoplasty.

· Selecting a Skilled and Experienced Physician/Surgeon

Taking extreme care while selecting the surgeon is very important. This is because the physician in question must be skilled enough to cope with the complexity of the procedure.

It is better to have a meeting with your plastic or cosmetic surgeon before undergoing your closed revision rhinoplasty in Iran, and ask the doctor to show you about example before and after images of his/her previous surgeries. You must also discuss your expectations regarding the outcome of the surgery in full detail.

· Thorough Examination of the Nose

Before having a closed rhinoplasty in Iran, and during the consultation session, the physician carefully examines the skin on your nose, and its interior and exterior condition in order to make sure that this surgery is suitable for you or not. It is best to fully explain what you expect regarding the outcome of your treatment, so that the obtained results will be as close as possible to what you wished to achieve.

· Taking Photos from Different Angles of the Nose

Taking photographs from different angles of the nose allows the doctor to correct the defects of the nose according to the facial features of each individual. They can also better improve the function of the nose, and give it a more aesthetic appearance.

· Medical Record

After observing the results of pre-surgery tests such as a blood test, your doctor will ask you about your history regarding any possible illnesses you may have, or medications you may currently be taking. Try NOT to conceal anything from your doctor, as all of these factors will help him/her choose the right type of anesthesia for you during your rhinoplasty.

· Other Important Measures to Take

· Try to avoid taking aspirin, or medications that cause inflammation, for approximately 2 weeks before surgery.

· Tobacco and nicotine cause blockage of blood vessels. Avoid smoking for at least 1 week before surgery.

· It is recommended that you take a bath the night before the surgery, and that do not use cosmetics or wear makeup.

· We recommend that men shave their face the night before surgery, so that there will be no problems during surgery.

· Do NOT eat or drink anything for about 8 hours before surgery.

2. Performing a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

This medical approach is a technique in which the correction and reshaping of the nose is carried out from the inside. This method does NOT require making an incision in the skin that separates the nostrils (called the columella). Instead, the surgeon makes small incisions inside the nostrils, and makes the necessary changes in the nose without lifting the skin.

Due to the limited vision of the surgeon during this method, the corrections that are made on the cartilage of the nose, the bone, and the septum are made with great caution with the help of an endoscope.

This surgery takes approximately 1.5 to 3 hours to complete.

Finally, when the rhinoplasty has been completed, sutures are made to close the incisions. A splint or cast is also placed on the patient’s nose to protect the nose from possible blows or pressure.

3. Immediately After Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

· Once you have regained your consciousness, you will be able to return to your hotel to rest.

· It is normal to experience having pain in the throat & nose, bruising around the eyes & nose, & swelling.

· Your physician might prescribe 500 mg of acetaminophen, which is to be taken every 4 to 6 hours in an attempt to lessen post-surgery pain and discomfort.

· If any, you must remove the bandage under the nose, and was the interior of yours nose at least 5 times a day with the special rinse aid and syringe that will be given to you.

· Place a cold compress over your nose and eyes during the first 48 hours after undergoing surgery. Then, use a warm compress for the next 48 hours (remember NOT to apply too much pressure on your nose).

Patient Recovery Timeline After Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Treatment in Iran

In most cases, the initial recovery period after undergoing a closed rhinoplasty is short (between 5 to 6 days), but it may take approximately 6 months to a year for you to achieve your final result. In fact, the recovery period of each individual patient varies according to the complexity of their surgery, their immune system, and unique physical characteristic.

One to Two Days After Undergoing a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

You will have bruises under your eyes, swelling in your face, a sore throat & nose, and watery eyes during the first days after undergoing surgery.

The First Week After Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

Your bruises will change color from green to yellow, and the swelling will subside to a great extent. You will also have less pain and discomfort in your face and nose.

The Second Week After Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

The swelling in your face and nose will subside significantly, and your bruises will disappear completely by the end of the second week. So, your overall condition will look quite good. Fortunately, you will be able to resume doing your light daily activities, go back to work, or go for walks at night.

The Third Week After Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

The swelling in your face and nose will subside completely, and your nose will be healing rapidly.

The Fourth Week After Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

You will be able to observe the initial outcome of your surgery after one month, and the symptoms and side effects of the surgery will have improved completely.

Three Months After Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

After 3 months have passed, you will have obtained approximately 85 to 90% of the results of your treatment.

Six Months After Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

All you need to do is compare the result of the treatment with your photos that were taken six months ago. You will be surprised by the final outcome of your treatment.

One Year After Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

Despite the fact that the recovery period for a closed rhinoplasty treatment is completed within the first 3 to 6 months, there may still be some final changes to observe before the final outcome of the treatment is obtained. After a year, you will be able to enjoy the final results of your rhinoplasty treatment in Iran.

The Outcome of Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery in Iran

The final results of a closed rhinoplasty are obtained approximately 1 year after the surgery has been performed. This is due to the fact that it takes time for all the swelling to subside, and for the final result to show itself.

However, some of the initial results of treatment can be observed after about 2 weeks, once the bruising has subsided, and the splint and cast have been removed.

The Advantages of Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery in Iran

· This surgical procedure requires making less, and smaller incisions.

· By using this method, the amount of swelling and bruising around the eyes is much less.

· The risk of scarring, or the occurrence of potential complications is low.

· The duration of this method of surgery is very short.

· This method is less likely to lead to post-surgery weakness and discomfort.

· Recovery and healing happens faster.

The Potential Risks and Side Effects of Having a Closed Rhinoplasty Treatment in Iran

At the hands of a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon, a closed rhinoplasty surgery is considered to be a safe and highly satisfying procedure. But still, there is always the possibility of side effects or unwanted results.

The potential risks and complications of a closed rhinoplasty treatment include:

· Bruising

· Inflation/Swelling

· Scarring

· Infection

· Asymmetry

· Numbness

· Hematoma, or accumulation of subcutaneous blood

· Respiratory conditions

· The occurrence of vision problems

How much does it cost to have a closed rhinoplasty surgery in Iran?

The overall cost of having a closed rhinoplasty is determined according to the surgeon’s fee, the anesthesiologist’s fee, the cost of the hospital, necessary medical tests, imaging, medication, and examination sessions. Also, some other factors affect the overall cost of a rhinoplasty treatment, including:

The Surgeon’s Amount of Experience

The surgeon’s fee will vary depending on their experience, skills, and work experience. This is because a surgeon who has performed rhinoplasty surgeries for several years is fully aware of the challenges of the surgery, and will definitely charge more.

The Patient’s Nose Type

The type of nose plays a significant role in determining the final cost of treatment. Patients with a fleshy or cartilaginous nose usually have to spend more money for their surgery.

The Geographical Location of the Treatment Center

The final cost of having a closed rhinoplasty surgery varies according to geographical location of the treatment center. For instance, the cost of surgery in Greater Tehran is not comparable to smaller cities.

However, you must keep in mind that the best surgeons live in large cities.

A Comparison Between a Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery and an Open One

· In an open method, a small incision is made in the skin of the nose, by which the nasal cavities are divided into two parts, and the skin of the nose can be pulled upwards. By doing so, the surgeon has more control as he/she proceeds with the procedure. In a closed rhinoplasty however, no incisions are made on the exterior of the nose. Incisions are made inside the nose in both methods in order to gain access to the bone and cartilage structure.

· The open rhinoplasty method has the distinct advantage of allowing the surgeon to observe the cartilage directly. More importantly, reshaping and altering the nose with greater mastery and precision is NOT possible with the closed method of surgery.

· In most cases, the open method is more effective for patients who need a more complete reshaping of their nose. Also, open rhinoplasty works better for some types of nose, including those where the cartilage of the tip of the nose is deviated.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How long is the recovery phase after undergoing a closed rhinoplasty surgery?

The recovery time needed for each individual patient varies according to their immune system. But in most cases, this period is between 5 to 6 days.

2. Which method of rhinoplasty is safer?

In terms of safety, neither one of these methods is safer than the other. Because both methods are safe, particularly if performed at the hands of a skilled and experienced surgeon.

3. What does the term “scarless rhinoplasty” mean?

Scarless rhinoplasty involves making incisions in the interior of the patient's nose. This is another name used for the closed rhinoplasty method, which is sometimes used to reshape the nose, or treat other nasal defects.

4. What is the fastest way to recover after undergoing a rhinoplasty treatment?

Having enough resting, and drinking tonic soups & various fruit juices can help the healing process. However, there is no 100% solution to accelerate the recovery of the nose after surgery. The initial recovery period for a rhinoplasty surgery usually takes approximately 1 to 2 weeks.

5. From what age onward can a patient undergo an open or closed rhinoplasty surgery?

Before undergoing this surgery, the anatomy of the nose must first be fully developed. But apart from this, the ideal age for having a rhinoplasty treatment varies according to the patient's gender.

Rhinoplasty is suitable for girls aged over 15 or 16, and for boys aged over 16 or 17.

6. Are the results of obtained from a closed rhinoplasty treatment permanent?

The results of closed rhinoplasty are permanent, but sometimes, the appearance of a person's nose may change for a variety of reasons. For instance, if the surgeon removes a large amount of tissue during a nose job, a sagging appearance may occur. Furthermore, the natural aging process of a person affects the results of their rhinoplasty treatment over time.

7. Is it OK to take a shower after undergoing a closed rhinoplasty surgery?

You must keep in mind that after the surgery has been carried out, it takes approximately 48 hours for the incisions to close. If the patient takes a shower too soon after their surgery, the sutures on their nose may open up, and the wound may become infected.

8. Which rhinoplasty technique is better?

There are many different reasons for choosing one method over the other, but there is no definite rule for which method the patient should choose. The only way to definitively diagnose the best method is to consult your doctor. A final decision will be made according to your unique condition, and the results you wish to obtain.

undergoing closed rhinoplastyhaving closed
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