Many decades ago, people Communicated together just with drawing pictures.
Yeah… it wasn't good because they had to draw just on the wall.
Drawing, gave its place to writing. Elphebet invented by ancient Greeks.
After many years, Gothenburg invented the first press.
Rates of advance in science and technology was unbelievably fast.
Two inventors, named Graham Bell and Elisha competed over the invention of the telephon, and Graham Bell won.
Heppened a big event in 1896 and Another competition took place between the two inventors. End of this competition, Marconi won by inviting radio.
For one decade radio was new invention in communication, until television invented in 1950. Laters, telephon developed and communication became easier. Actually contacting with telegraph & morsecode takes too long , so telephon invented. Greek couldn't imagine they could be able to talk together from far distances one day , just by a wire!
In 1960 Wireless phones invented. So people could talk together even when they were walking or driving.
How about computer and internet? Early As soon as invention of wireless telephons, people found that they need to save lots of informations. Replaced folder and files with computer drives. Every big organizations could have the computers wich were too big, those days.
Easier way to save datas and communicate happened when personal computers invented.
Value of the computers increased by the invention of Internet. Every one know internet as an essential thing to communicate. Regardless of location, people can Communicate together or share different kinds of data. You may not know that internet was used by American government for the first time. Then it took times till 1990 that Internet became accessible for every one.
Here email and offline massage were borned. In fact as you see, Technology advanced rapidly. Nobody can say that ''I do not need the Internet to do my work!!'', inventions especially in communication made life easier.
Go back to the past, can you imagine life without internet if you might live in the past??
Internet is one unforgettable part of our lifes. Since laptops, tablets and phones could be connected to Internet , the benefits of using Internet became much greater. No one can remove it from his life. Object of these inventions was comfortably of human and to meet their needs.
These days because of the pandemic of Covid_19, we can't make physical contact with each other. How can technology help us now?! In fact internet and video calling help us to communicate. No one can deny that physical contacts take their place to virtual contacts, such as video calls , webinars , online classes & ect but anyone denys that video calls couldn't make sense like physical and face to face contacts .
Generally, We have the best technology to communicate with each other around the world... however, we want to be able to hug and embrace each other, talk face to face and eye to eye as before the spread of Covid_19; to feel that We are still alive and live again.