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How to extract mineral bitumen and natural bitumen?

Today, natural resources such as oil, gas, metals, etc. have a special place in the industries and economies of countries. Natural bitumen is one of the materials that has received a lot of attention today and has many uses in various industries. Bitumen extraction, like other minerals, requires different equipment and devices and is done in different stages.

Natural bitumen is made from the deposition of minerals in bituminous rocks over millions of years and includes various substances such as hydrocarbons, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen, etc. Among the most important features of this material, we can mention things such as excellent resistance to water, high adhesion, excellent compatibility with petroleum materials, etc. In the following article, we will discuss how to extract mineral bitumen and natural bitumen.

Mineral bitumen and natural bitumen extraction technologies

Natural bitumen or Gilsonite is a type of bitumen obtained from nature and has special differences with refinery bitumen in terms of characteristics, capabilities and applications. This black and brittle material is also known by other names such as natural asphalt, hard asphalt, mineral bitumen, Zagronite and Uintaite.

Natural bitumen contains various compounds such as pyrrole, pyridene, furan, aliphatic compounds, amide groups, etc. and melts at a temperature of 160 to 220 degrees. This material exists both in the form of lumps and in the form of Gilsonite Powder and has more than 150 industrial applications due to its unique characteristics.

Mineral bitumen extraction technologies

Natural gilsonite occurs underground in vertical veins that are two to six feet wide, sometimes as much as 28 feet, and each vein is several miles long. Pneumatic tools and heavy machinery are used to extract mineral bitumen and they are transported to the extraction facilities. In extraction facilities, oil sands are mixed with hot water (temperatures from 35 to 80°C) containing sodium hydroxide, usually (NaOH). The bitumen droplets are collected after some time and separated from the sand grains, and after the bitumen is re-aerated, it comes to the surface of the tank, which usually contains 60% by weight of bitumen, 30% by weight of water and 10% by weight of solid materials.

In the natural bitumen extraction process, about 90% of the bitumen is recovered and its coarse solids settle. Extraction of mineral bitumen is technologically more efficient than hot water, and in addition to reducing energy loss, it can produce higher quality and purer bitumen. It is possible to extract Gilsonite from the mine up to a depth of 75 meters, although modern methods help to do this up to a depth of 200 meters.

Bitumen analysis

For the analysis of mineral bitumen and mineral bitumen powder, various factors and parameters are considered, the most important of which include things such as moisture analysis, ash analysis, chemical analysis, etc. As an example, the amount of ash of Gilsonite samples is obtained as follows.

First, three porcelain pots with a resistance higher than 1100 degrees Celsius are prepared and one gram of powdered gilsonite or natural bitumen is placed in each of them.

In the next step, the samples are put into a furnace whose temperature has already reached 950 degrees Celsius and will be placed in it for 20 hours.

After the temperature of the furnace reaches 950 degrees Celsius, the porcelain crucibles containing the samples should be placed in it for 2 hours. After the samples are removed from the furnace, the material remaining in it will be known as ash.

Finally, the amount of natural bitumen ash is obtained from the formula (1/ weight of ash remaining after 2 hours of heating) * 100 = ash.

Application of mineral bitumen

As mentioned, the extraction of mineral bitumen or gilsonite is done in several stages and is used in various industries. Among the most important applications of mineral bitumen are things such as preparation and production of bitumen as a waterproofing agent, production of isogam, use in the printing and ink industry, use in the production of anti-corrosion coatings in the oil and gas industry, asphalt production and use in the road construction industry. In the casting industry, use in the drilling industry, use in the construction industry, medicine, automobile industry, chemical products, paint and resin, etc.

Specifications of bitumen types

In general, bitumen is known by other names such as mineral bitumen, Gilsonite and natural bitumen, but each of these bitumens has unique characteristics and has slight differences, but almost all of them are the same in terms of application and performance and have similar functions.

It can be said that the characteristics of bitumen types, including ash percentage, moisture content, volatile matter percentage, active carbon percentage, hydrogen, nitrogen percentage, etc., specific gravity, solubility in organic solvents, etc., are different, but they are very close, and this is the reason. Whenever any of these names are mentioned, the main meaning is Gilsonite or natural bitumen.

The price of mineral bitumen powder

Mineral bitumen or gilsonite has found a special place in various industries today, and many countries have significant reserves of this valuable material, of which Iran is one of the most significant. This bitumen has many capabilities, features and applications, that's why it has a dynamic and active market.

Liquid natural bitumen

Natural liquid bitumen is one of the practical and important materials in the road construction and asphalt production industry, because the use of solid bitumen in road construction operations can lead to various challenges and problems. The quality of liquid bitumen depends on the quality and amount of solvent, and the higher the amount of solvent, the higher the fluidity of bitumen. The addition of solvent to this bitumen makes it easier to use at low temperatures.

The most important and best solvents for natural bitumen include petroleum, gasoline, kerosene, and white spirits. According to its evaporation speed and the type of solvent, liquid bitumen can be divided into three categories: quick-setting liquid bitumen, slow-setting liquid bitumen, and slow-setting liquid bitumen. Quick bitumens can be divided into six different categories, each of which has unique characteristics and applications. The most important application of pure bitumen is sealing, adhesion between layers, protection against weathering, corrosion and restoration of asphalt, concrete, etc. surfaces.

The final conclusion

Gilsonite mining and bitumen extraction is very important nowadays because this natural substance has many applications in various industries, especially the road construction and asphalt production industry. Mineral bitumen can have many uses due to its properties such as excellent resistance to water, high adhesion, excellent compatibility with petroleum materials, etc.

mineral bitumennatural bitumen
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