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امید آرام - توسعه دهنده نرم افزار
امید آرام - توسعه دهنده نرم افزار
خواندن ۲ دقیقه·۲ ماه پیش

انواع تست نرم افزار - قسمت ۳ (Functional vs. non-functional testing)

قسمت های قبلی:

Functional vs. non-functional testing

Now let’s move to the next level of our diagram and look at functional and non-functional testing.

These are the categories that really divide software testing into two distinct groups, each performed with different goals in mind.

Functional testing revolves around evaluating whether the application works as intended, performs the desired actions, and produces accurate results. Functional testing evaluates the behavior of the software in various scenarios to ensure that it works properly and delivers the expected results. Testers simulate user interactions, input various data sets, and examine the software’s responses.

If we compare software testing to a construction supervisor making a final check of the building before the project is completed, functional testing would be equivalent to verifying that all the basic requirements from the architect’s blueprint are met. It checks that the rooms have the right dimensions, and that all the doors and windows are in the right places.

Non-functional testing, on the other hand, shifts the focus beyond functional requirements to examine other critical aspects of software quality.

Non-functional testing evaluates how the software performs in terms of attributes such as scalability, reliability, usability, performance, and security. It evaluates the software’s response time, its ability to handle concurrent users or heavy loads, its resilience under stress, and its adherence to security protocols. Non-functional testing ensures that the software is not only functionally sound, but also provides a superior user experience and meets performance expectations.

Going back to our construction manager example, non-functional testing would go a bit deeper. It would include things like verifying that the ceiling can support the load we want, that the walls are keeping the heat in, and that the site is prepared for future expansion of our building.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, we can move to the next level of our diagram and cover all the different types of functional and non-functional testing.

Examples of functional software testing

Examples of non-functional testing

Now let’s move on to the part of software testing that is not so apparent to the end users – non-functional testing. When the previous group of tests aimed at checking features of the application that end-users will be interacting with, non-functional tests will dig a little bit deeper into the technical inner workings of a software application.

So without a further a do let’s get down to the key types of non-functional software testing.

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software testingdeveloperclean codefunctional testingnon functional testing
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