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انواع تست نرم افزار - قسمت ۸ (Performance testing)

قسمت های قبلی:

Performance testing

Performance testing is an incredibly complex topic. So complex, in fact, that we’ve dedicated an entire blog post to the importance of performance testing in modern custom development projects. That said, let’s take a quick look at the main types of performance testing and the factors that make this aspect of non-functional testing so incredibly important.

In a nutshell, performance testing aims to assess the responsiveness, speed, scalability, and stability of a software system under various workload conditions. It ensures that the application performs optimally and meets performance expectations.

Why is software performance testing important?

Simply put, it ensures that the software application meets the performance expectations of users and stakeholders. It enables organizations to identify and resolve issues related to response times, low latency, throughput, resource usage, and stability. By proactively addressing performance issues, organizations can increase user satisfaction, reduce downtime, improve customer retention and protect brand reputation. Whether it is a robust enterprise software accounting system, a metasearch travel engine, or a social media platform, software performance is critical to all of these projects.

Load Testing

Load testing is a type of software testing that evaluates the performance and behavior of a system under specific user loads and concurrent user activity. It helps identify the system’s capacity limits, potential bottlenecks, and performance degradation to ensure that it can handle the expected workload without compromising functionality or responsiveness.

Stress Testing

Stress testing is a type of software testing that evaluates the robustness and stability of a system under extreme or abnormal conditions. By subjecting the system to exceptionally high user loads, excessive data volumes, or limited system resources, stress testing aims to identify the system’s breaking points, potential failures, or performance degradation.

Spike Testing

In spike testing, the application is subjected to a significant increase or decrease in load to evaluate its ability to handle abrupt changes and determine the impact on the user experience. The primary objective is to assess how effectively the software handles sudden load changes and whether it affects the overall user experience.

Endurance Testing

Endurance testing is another form of performance testing that aims to determine whether an application can withstand a significant load, this time over an extended period of time. The focus of endurance testing is primarily on assessing the application’s performance in terms of memory usage and its ability to endure prolonged use without degradation.

Scalability testing

Scalability tests are specifically designed to evaluate the system’s capacity to handle increasing amounts of data as more hardware resources are allocated to it. These tests aim to assess the system’s ability to efficiently process larger workloads, ensuring that the performance scales in proportion to the additional hardware resources dedicated to it.

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software testingdeveloperclean codenon functional testingPerformance testing
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