Our team can provide group-to-group transfer in Telegram, and you can buy real and targeted Telegram group members. These are real telegram members and relevant to your purpose.
To buy Telegram group members, we only need the link of the desired Telegram group to send its members to your group, and for this we do not need the permission of the group administrators and nothing else.
This method is safe and we have tested it over and over on many groups.
We add members drip-feed because it is better if your group rarely grows, this trick is safer.
Also, we can add up to 200k Telegram members in each group without risk.
The fake members of our Telegram group have profile pictures and real names, so most people don't realize that they are fake.
This server also has good online status. So some of these members are online and it can make your group more legit.
In addition, the speed is very high. We can send more than 50k members per day and it is enough to save time.
Our Telegram online support will be online 24 /7 and you can ask us your questions.