ورودثبت نام
Royan Institute
Royan Institute
خواندن ۲ دقیقه·۹ ماه پیش

Infertility Treatment

The rate of infertility between Iranian couples is estimated to be 10-15%. Royan Infertility Clinic is the second clinic which was established in Iran and the first one in Tehran in 1991. After 30- years experience in this field; although there are more than 80 infertility clinics throughout Iran, but due to high success rates in Royan infertility clinic, many patients prefer to have their treatments in this clinic. Most of our patients are referred by other physicians and clinics. Each year we have numerous foreign patients who come to Iran for infertility treatment. Different Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) include: diagnostic and operative laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, cyctoscopy, IUI, ovulation induction, IVF, ICSI, PGT, PESA/TESE, microscopic TESA, vasovasostomy, vasoepididymostomy, TURD, gamete and embryo cryopreservation, assisted hatching, karyotyping, molecular genetic tests such as Factor V Leiden, Factor II and MTHFR gene, as well as others routinely offered to patients.
Royan Infertility Clinic includes different sections for the assessment of different aspects of infertility and developing the best treatment methods:

1. Infertility diagnosos and treatment services:

  • Endocrinology Section: Diagnosis and treatment of different endocrinologic disorders such as PCOS, thyroid dysfunctions and hyperprolactinemia. This section also consists of a diet clinic for effective treatment of infertility.
  • Endoscopy Section: Consists of laparascopy and hysteroscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of certain reproductive tract disorders such as cysts and adhesions.
  • Endometriosis Clinic
  • Recurrent Abortion Clinic: For evaluation and treatment of different types of recurrent miscarriages
  • Prenatology Clinic: For monitoring the mother’s health during pregnancy, diagnosis and treatment for fetal abnormalities, performing P.W.D
  • IVF Failure Clinic: Increasing the pregnancy rate and decreasing failures.
  • Male Infertility Clinic
  • Genetic Counseling Clinic
  • Reproductive Imaging modalities such as rectal and vaginal ultrasonography

2. Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
3. Fully-equipped Operation rooms
4. Providing Supportive, Social and psychological counseling services to infertile couples
5. Embryo and Oocyte donation and uterus surrogacy

For more information please refer to : https://www.royan.org/en/

infertility treatmentinfertility clinicartivfroyan institute
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