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10 advantages of visit Iran


1: Iran is safe

Is travel to Iran safe ?

Whether you travel to Iran as a group or individually, whether you are a woman or a man, whether you arrive in this country day or night, Iran is a very safe country.(iran tour)

2: Iran is present in most parts of the world

Iran has been introduced as one of the most popular travel destinations by many world-renowned authorities.

3: Hospitality

The people of Iran are hospitable because of their rich culture. From east to west and from north to south of Iran, when you meet Iranians, they invite you to their home. Of course, you should also be familiar with the tradition of compliments (Ta’aroof) from Iranians before traveling, because you may encounter compliments from the driver when getting out of the taxi and say goodbye to him without paying the fare due to ignorance of this tradition.

4: Ancient history

Iran Persepolis is probably the most famous historical place in Iran, without the need for any introduction, but it is not the only historical place in this country. From ancient Persia to modern Iran, it is a long historical journey that you can experience by traveling to this country and seeing historical monuments belonging to different periods.

5: Iranian architecture

If you visit a mosque, a palace or an Iranian bazaar, you will see delicate and beautiful decorations. It does not matter if you are inside or outside an Iranian building, in any case, masterful Iranian architecture is definitely something that attracts you as a tourist.

6: Handicrafts

Each of the provinces, cities and even villages of Iran has its own handicrafts. Yazd with beautiful cashmere, Tabriz with carpet, Isfahan with unique tiles, etc. Wherever you travel in Iran, you can return home with a great souvenir.

7: Persian food

One of the salient features of traditional Iranian food is the consumption of various foods from different food groups, and this is exactly in line with the same recommendations that are offered today for the diverse and balanced consumption of food from the food pyramid groups.

In Iran, as in any other country, there are different types of traditional and local food, the history of each of which is very meaningful. Foods that were cooked and consumed according to the natural, geographical and cultural characteristics of the same area. Among the countries of the Middle East and West Asia, the method of cooking in Iran is very unique. Traditional food in Iran over the years has not only been influenced by the food culture of neighboring countries such as the Caucasus, Greece, Russia and the Middle East, but has also very obviously influenced the food culture of neighboring countries such as Turkey.

8: Cheap

Whether due to sanctions or the devaluation of the national currency, travel to Iran is currently very cheap.

The cost of a night in a 4-star hotel is about 35 euros. You can stay in a royal suite without paying exorbitant fees.

9: Quiet atmosphere

Contrary to popular belief and media propaganda, the atmosphere in Iran is very calm. The Iranians are very sociable, You can find out the truth of this statement from those who have traveled to Iran.

10: Iran Deserts

About a quarter of Iran’s area is desert. Mysterious lands that travel to them will be one of the most exciting experiences of your life.

Some of these lands are known as desert tourism destinations, each of which is more attractive to a specific group of tourists depending on the climatic and regional characteristics.

The largest desert of Iran that extends from the southern slopes of Alborz mountain  to central Iran. Its length is 800 km and its width is about 600 km. The area of Dasht e Kavir plain is about 800,000 square kilometers. To the west is the Desert Salt Lake.

This desert is one of the thermal poles of the earth. Its temperature reaches 50 degrees in summer and sometimes the temperature difference between day and night reaches 70 degrees Celsius. Most of it is covered with large swamps and is scattered on the edge covered with sand dunes and heights.

If you are a professional desert climber and looking for an adventure in the desert, we suggest you travel to the deserts of Iran. You will surely see things that you may not find the opportunity to see in any desert, If you are interested in visiting the desert and camel riding – walking in the sand and eating the food of camel driver (Sarban), etc., the deserts of Iran are also suitable for your visit.

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