ورودثبت نام
sadra torabi
sadra torabi
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Why Digital Marketing? Why Adel Talebi?

(I apologize for not having farsi keyboard)

After living abroad, long time enough, I realized that we, as iranians, have a really poor "commercial/economic education". Unfortunately, we have very limited understanding of "intelligence", often summarized in having a good STEM skills(science, technology, engineering, math). So I started to self-educate myself in commerce and ecommerce, special in #marketing and #digital marketing. So, here I am! taking course digital marketing course with #adeltalebi (and after just 8 sessions, I am already happy!)

We, as iranians, often, have great ideas, or we even physically realize them. However, there is poor to no commercialisation. Many times, we steal others ideas (may be without knowing that), do not respect the IP rights, without knowing the potential consequences. At times the idea is ours, we hesitate to share it, because there is no team spirit, and the ideas are gone as soon as shared, and this results in more insecurity and less opportunity-share. Participating in mydmc.com courses and groups logically puts an end to such enigma, and opens up a door to collaborate and exchange. I remind you Jeff Bezos, has only 16% share of Amazon, take your time and think about it. Share and collaborate, honest and respectful to IP rights.

Team up! look for opportunities abroad! (other than frontend/backend, full stack programming and nagging why foreign employer do not pay 1000 USD/month!!!). Apply the content of this course to get clients for more complex businesses and business models with larger value added! stay abreast of new tools (more feasible when you already teamed up). Develop tools and digital products and services for North America, Australia, Europe. Do not plan just for fragile and insecure economy of Iran! Search for tools similar to what you learn at mydmc.com. Generate (valuable) content in English! find out what is different in and out of Iran (do not nag, ah everything is different. Do not nag ah it is expensive. Team up and you may succeed, find the fund and try the tools.

I personally, shared many idea with people living in Iran, (some real huge opportunities, and some not that brilliant, I admit), and yet people make wrong decisions, not because they choose not to pursue with my idea, but mainly because they ignore potential opportunities they may have. Work and invest (by hustle) on developing or presenting a digital product solution that may highly be on-demand #abroad.

It is about a few years now that I know #AdelTalebi via his telegram group #kasb_kar. He proved to be a doer in his field. Taking online digital marketing course at mydmc.com taught me quit a bit, and enabled me to further dig into potential #collaboration potholes and opportunities in Iran, via evaluating the workforce as well as competitive advantage of products developed Iran.

I clearly see the opportunities abroad, and if you are about to take them, either living in Iran or abroad, I strongly suggest you to take #Adeltalebi 's #digital_marketing_course, where you get the big picture, along with in-depth sight, to start or make decisions for your business. For sure, you need more courses, to complement it, but those courses should mostly be in the form of having an ecommerce and applying what you learn as you go.

Go Adel!, Go!

adeltalebidigitalmarketingmydmcgo adel go
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