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How to register in Telegram?

It had these conditions, now you can send and register them in Telegram. The best way to make these stickers is to use Photoshop image editing software. The creators of Telegram in their blog have suggested using this software to make stickers and have even provided users with a ready-made PSD file with a specific size and resolution.

By downloading this PSD file and inserting the image you want in it, you will simply be able to use its output in PNG format as a sticker in Telegram. The second and simpler method is to use the Clippy robot, which will eliminate the need for computer software. Assuming your stickers are ready, we will first deal with how to register them in Telegram and we will teach you how to use Clippy in the final part of the article.

Steps to register personal stickers in Telegram

Easy to register personal stickers in Telegram

By observing the Telegram conditions for registering stickers, you can follow the steps of registering them in this communication application in the following order. For convenience, we offer you the desktop version of Telegram:

1- Enter the Settings section of the application and select the Stickers option from the Messages section (in the desktop version of Telegram, type the address @Stickers in a conversation window and click on the word hyperlinked).

2- In the Telegram mobile application, go to the bottom of the page and point to the @Stickers option. This will open a chat window with a robot called Stickers Bot. Now you have to send a message to this robot to send you the necessary instructions to send and register stickers. The list of commands is as follows:

newstickerpack / Create a new sticker package

addsticker / Add a new sticker to the package

delsticker / delete sticker

ordersticker / sort stickers in the package

cancel / cancel registration of stickers

3- The first step after this is to make a package of stickers. To do this, give the robot the command newstickerpack /. After this, the robot will send you a message asking you to choose a name for your sticker package. For example, we used the name Digiato for our sticker collection.

Easy to register personal stickers in Telegram

4- The next step is to choose a wave for the stickers. If your sticker has serious content, you can consider a serious wave for it. By selecting the appropriate wave from the list of waves and sending it to the robot, you will enter the next step.

5- Now it is time to send a sticker. Select your borderless PNG image by clicking the clip icon at the bottom of the page, then select File and send it to the robot. When done, the robot will ask you to add another emoticon to your next sticker by sending another emoticon. You can do this with the first sticker method and complete your sticker set.

6- When your sticker package is complete, just send the publish / command to the robot. Now in another message, the robot will ask you to choose a name for your sticker collection. After choosing the name and sending, now your sticker package is ready. The robot also provides a link to share it with friends.

7- If you still want to add a sticker after publishing, you can complete your sticker package again by entering the addsticker / command.

Use the Clippy robot to make easy stickers

Use the Clippy robot to make easy stickers

Clippy is another great telegram robot that can take a photo of you and deliver an attractive sticker. With this method, you do not need a computer to make a sticker at all, and you can do it via mobile. The photo he gives to Clippy must meet the following conditions:

Have PNG format.

Send the image to the robot without borders or with monochrome borders.

The image you sent to the Clippy robot in the form of a borderless sticker in webp format. Will be returned to you. Note that it is better that the photo you send to this robot does not have a border from the beginning, if it has, this border must be monochrome so that Clippy can recognize it and remove it from the main subject of the photo.

If you are sending a JPEG image or it has a crowded border, Clippy will deliver your photo as a sticker with a square frame, which is not very desirable.

To send pictures to Clippy, you must follow the steps below:

1. Use the magnifying glass icon in the main menu of Telegram to search for the phrase Clippy or open the link through the browser. After this, you will be directed to the conversation page with this robot.

2. Select your images by clicking the clip at the bottom of the page and send them as a file to Clippy. After a few seconds, the robot will deliver a sticker of the submitted image. Now you can forward this sticker to your friends.

Unlike the package registration method, you can not add stickers made by Clippy to your sticker archive; Instead, each time you have to select the photo from the gallery and enter the conversation page with the robot to get a sticker from it. Therefore, we suggest you to use the official method of registering stickers in Telegram.

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