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You are very close to your homes and it is like a retreat for you, a place where you can recharge all your batteries.

You have a good styling sense and decorate your house pretty well. The colors that you prefer are sea colors like lilac and celadon greens. Your living room will have scented candles, giving it a very feminine touch.

Transforming Bedroom:

Pisces belongs to the 12th house of astrology and governs your dreams. You are pretty intuitive and adore psychic.

Because of all this, you tend to have peculiar dreams too. You are advised to make your bedroom very comfortable in order to get better sleep and hence increase your intuitive abilities.

You can do so by spending on comforters, good bed sheets, dream catchers as well as put lavender scented candles too. Try to avoid electronics one hour prior to sleeping.

Sound should be Added:

Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and is the god of the sea. It is thus responsible for spiritual stuff, Psychic and a lot of creativity. All this involves music too.

You have been given the gift of music and hence are advised to utilize it too. Music can be one way of relaxing your soul and thus should try and buy a nice wireless music system. You can even get an old vintage record player.

Adopt Creativity:

You are pretty creative and this is proved from the fact that many creative people like Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and Rihanna, all belonged to Pisces only.

You can boost your creativity by decorating your house with something that you yourself have made. It could include your paintings or even something purchased by you.

Pampering your Feet:

Like all other Zodiacs, your sun sign rules the feet. There are chances for you to become very sensitive you’re your environment and hence your home is the safe place for you.

Therefore, in order to make your homes more luxuries, you can add bath mats, comfortable rugs and nice house slippers to your houses. You should even consider pampering your feet with nice foot scrubs and pumice stones while showering.

Mix all Styles:

You try to mix and match your style, taking energy and inspiration from other zodiac signs. Unlike other people, you do not prefer to stick to one particular style in order to decorate your houses but would rather mix a lot of styles.

pisceshome decor
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