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Renuvion: Top 5 Innovation in Plastic Surgery

Available at Turky nosejob Concepts Nashville since 2021, Renuvion is a brand-new technology that has taken the plastic surgery world by storm. Experienced plastic surgeons who have performed liposuction and tummy tucks for years are not typically inclined to replace their preferred methods perfected over many years of practice. And yet Renuvion was recently nominated by plastic surgeons and dermatologist as one of the top 5 most impactful innovations in their field. Read on to learn how the Renuvion tissue contracture technology can help you achieve incredible body contouring results with minimal downtime.

Tired of the Love Handles?

[caption id="attachment_5255" align="alignnone" width="750"]? Female body with the drawing arrows on it. Fat lose, liposuction and cellulite removal concept.[/caption]

It is the rare adult who doesn’t look into the mirror and spots pockets of fat around their midsection, thighs, arms, or even the neck that simply refuse to go away, no matter how hard they try. If this is you, we hear you. It can be so frustrating to have dieted and exercised for months and still be stuck with these unsightly bulges. Or perhaps you’ve made some progress on the bulges but now your skin is sagging and showing your age.

Renuvion is what you need. Combined with liposuction, it simultaneously removes fat and contracts the skin. But it doesn’t require excisional surgery like a tummy tuck or arm lift – the traditional go-to procedures for patients who wanted to get rid of fat and tighten their skin. You can now achieve surgical-like body contouring results without the hassles of surgery. No sutures, no lengthy healing, no painful recovery.

You Could Be the Perfect Renuvion Candidate



Most patients who see Dr S. Mete in a one-on-one consultation have an area of complaint, such as their belly or neck, but no clear idea of what to do. There is still very much a place for brachioplasty (arm lift), face and neck lifts, he says, but Renuvion is a great solution for patients close to or at their target weight who want to slim down further but don’t want to – and don’t have to – resort to traditional surgery.


Here is How Renuvion Contours Your Body

The Renuvion technology uses a unique combination of helium plasma and radiofrequency (RF) energy to rapidly heat and cool down again the tissues of the target area. The energy heats the collagen and other structures, causing the tissues to contract. Because of the rapid heating and cooling down, there is no risk of overheating the skin, and it allows the surgeon to cover an entire area in just 15-20 minutes.

The RF energy is delivered via a thin wand that is inserted under the skin through several small, strategically-placed incisions. This is not much different from liposuction, in fact the procedures are typically performed at the same time to achieve maximum fat removal and skin contraction. A local anesthetic is flushed into the target areas prior to the wand application, which is typically all that is needed to relieve discomfort.

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What You Can Expect From Your Recovery


Whenever tissue is removed via scalpel, the recovery takes time and is somewhat uncomfortable, if not painful. This is true for a tummy tuck, thigh lift, arm lift, or face lift. The incisions need time to heal, and the scars will need special care for months so as to blend in and eventually become near invisible.

None of this applies to RF-powered tissue contracture with Renuvion. The small entry points through which the wand is inserted are not typically big enough to need any stitches, meaning they heal fast and blend into the skin quickly. Patients don’t typically have any discomfort and can resume their daily routine as well as exercises within just a day or two. You can expect some bruising and swelling as with any cosmetic procedure, but this will not slow you down in your daily activities.

The Next Best Thing to Stopping Aging


LIPOSUCTION 360 + BBL by Dr S. Mete

The beauty industry has a tendency to get ahead of itself. This is how you find yourself being told there are miracle cures to sagging skin and that aging can be reversed, if only you have this and that procedure.

Aging, of course, cannot be reversed. As we get older, the collagen in our skin loses the ability to regenerate itself at the same rate it once did, meaning our skin progressively sags. Nothing can halt this process.

However, the aging skin can be contracted with an RF device, and the added helium plasma technology makes Renuvion particularly effective – adding speed and precision to the process. The contraction of tissues stimulates the production of collagen. This means that while you will see results right after your procedure, they will continue to improve over 6-9 months as the collagen renews itself.

If you’re frustrated by fat pockets and sagging skin and would like to have some help in improving your body contours, we can help. NuBody Concepts Nashville has been a leader in minimally-invasive body contouring over many years, and you can trust our team to help you realize your goals. Get started by clicking below to book a personal consultation now – e have several openings this week and next week at our discounted rate!

read more :Can you speed up your recovery after plastic surgery?

  • Liposuction procedure FAQ
    ?In what areas of my body can I get liposuction?You can get liposuction in any part of your body that has fat.Can we have liposuction for all parts of the body just in one session?Yes. Our surgeons can perform liposuction for all parts of your body in single treatment session but it is advised that liposuction is better to be performed in two sessions. For example: first treatment session dedicated to lipo 360 and second session for arms and legs.Can I use any technique of liposuction to remove fat from my arms?All liposuction techniques can address the fat in your arms. Depending on your situation, your surgeon will recommend a particular technique.Can I get liposuction if I overweight/obese?No. Liposuction isn't performed as a weight-loss tool. Candidates of liposuction should already be within their target weight range.What is a good BMI for Liposuction?BMI (Body Mass Index) less than 30 is ideal for liposuction. Our surgeons accept patients with this BMI.Is it recommended undergoing a liposuction procedure before or after pregnancy/giving birth?Most surgeons recommend liposuction surgery after giving birth for better results. You can also get liposuction before pregnancy but would need a follow-up procedure if you want to maintain your results after you’ve healed from pregnancy and child care.Does fat removal surgery help get rid of cellulite?Liposuction can just reduce the degree of cellulite but not to remove it completely. There are specific cellulite treatments that you can get help from.Are post-procedure massages parts of the treatment?Having frequent massages are crucial to the recovery and healing process. It helps have a proper blood circulation and also decrease swelling and bruising.How long does a lipo procedure take to be performed?Usually, a liposuction lasts anywhere from 1 to 3 hours depending on the location and size of the areas that are going to be treated.Does liposuction hurt?Like any other surgery liposuction is performed under anesthesia so it won't hurt. During the healing process you'll likely experience pain and swelling in treated areas that are all easily managed with pain medications.How much weight can I lose with liposuction?Normally, patients will lose approximately 1 to 2.6 kg (2 to 5 pounds).Does fat return after lipo?No. The fat cells have been removed by a liposuction won't come back and your body won't produce new fat cells in the treated areas. However, you should follow a healthy diet and have exercise plan to prevent obesity and fat accumulation.Can lipo eliminate all of my cellulite?Liposuction can more or less enhance the appearance of cellulite but can't be effective enough in eliminating cellulite in the skin. A tummy tuck or leg lift might be the only procedures for you to eliminate cellulite. If your cellulite is less severe, liposuction bundled with specialized laser treatments can remove it however you should repeat it annually to preserve optimal results.Is lipo only used for cosmetic purposes?Apart from cosmetic procedures, liposuction is also used to treat other health conditions such as gynecomastia, lymphedema, lipodystrophy syndrome.Does Lipo leave scars?No. The incisions in the skin are small and over time will fade with proper care and protection from the sun.What is the difference between liposuction and liposculpture?Liposuction and liposculpture are alike in one way. Both of them are used to augment the body shape but in different ways. Liposuction focuses on eliminating fat deposits for the purpose of body enhancement. Liposculpture procedure is more contour-based and focuses on sculpting the body structures and muscles for a more defined look.Is Vaser lipo better or J-plasma lipo?The fact is that no liposuction techniques are superior than the other techniques. Each technique is used for various cosmetic purposes. In Vaser lipo, recovery time is short and it has less scarring. It also contains cellulite removal. J-plasma as an add-on technique combined with liposuction.  It can help those patients with more sagging skin and also with lower skin elasticity to have tighter and firmer skin. The recovery time for J-plasma lip is about a few days.How is liposuction different from a tummy Tuck?The duty of liposuction is to remove excess body fat while a tummy tuck is more catered towards skin removal.When can I see the results?From first months you'll see the improvements, but the final result will be achieved after six months, when the body is fully recovered.How long will my lipo result last?As long as you follow a healthy diet and have exercise plan, the results will be maintained.What is a compression garment?Compression garments are designed to provide firm support and also lower the possibility of bleeding as well as inflammation after surgery.When can I get back to work after liposuction?After the first week of recovery, you'll be able to get back to your routines and work.Can I shower after lipo?You're allowed to take a shower a few days after surgery but baths or swimming are prohibited as the closed incisions are still vulnerable to infection.Will I be able to exercise after my surgery?Patients are usually advised to restart or start their exercise two or three weeks after surgery. However, you can have light walks around your house a few days after surgery.
Plastic Surgery
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